September 2022 Monthly Meeting
Board Meeting Minutes
September 7, 2022
6:00 p.m. HS Library
Current Board Members: Dr. Joe Bak, John Christensen, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Tim Lawrence, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Randy Quartier, Mark Van Otterloo
Absent: Joe Bak, Mark Van Otterloo, Buth Farley
Secretary Report – Mary Hansen
- Correction to Public relation committee: John, Mike, Adam, and Brendyn
Scott made a motion to approve secretary report, Tim second. No further discussion, motion carried
Treasurer Report – John
Current balance:
- Checking: $ 12,564.21
- Savings: $43,002.10
- Total amount: $55,566.31
Paid balances:
$ 2,111.16: Intense graphics- clothing
$ 16.17: Shopify
$13.62: Amazon kickback
August paid balances:
$1,320.00: XC T-shirts
$ 408.00: Football camp
$ 360.00: Intense graphics- Booster Club yard signs
$ 178.92: Printing Plus- sponsor tickets
Approved payments:
$ 8,000.00: Rozy
$ 4,000.00: Hudl
Final flagpole payment: $3,400.00 to be paid to Beresford School. Scott made a motion to approve final payment,
John second, No further discussion. Motion carried.
Update on plan for card reader: placed on hold for this year: not going to purchase for 22-23 membership drive.
- Coaches’ requests still outstanding? Multiple receipts have not been turned in or money that was requested has not been used?
Immediate Business -
- Accept resignation of Tricia Bak from status as voting member of the board. Tricia to continue as volunteer member. John made a motion to approve recognition, Adam second. No further discussion, motion carried.
- Consider nomination of Jeff Buum to voting member of the board. Scott made a motion to approve new board member, John second. No further discussion, motion carried
- Discussion on upcoming open board positions. 2 upcoming open positions in June 2023. Looking to recruit new potential members to help fill these positions.
Old/New Business
Sub-committee updates (if any)
- Membership Committee: Brendyn, Jill, John, Joe, Butch
- Membership/Sponsorship updates, current totals
- Jill and Brendyn to go around for corporate sponsors
- Current memberships sold to date:
- Pride: 55
- Purple: 15
- Watchdog: 13
- Executive sponsorships: 3
- Gold sponsorships: 2
- Membership/Sponsorship updates, current totals
- Ordered 60 new yard signs, need to order more wire supports: Tim to order more wire supports online. Mary Hansen made motion to approve purchase, Mike second. No further discussion. Motion carried
- Tim to re-open webstore again for second round of orders to be processed
- Website – website administrator would like to hand over duties at end of membership drive (end of October), Mary Heiberger was able to make changes/updates, thank you gesture to Teresa when she hands off, manage it ourselves or find another administrator.
- Booster board members to present Teresa with gift card to thank her for her service. Mary Hansen made a motion to approve $200.00 gift card for Teresa, Mike second. No further discussion, motion carried.
- Public Relations/Outreach: Mary Heiberger, Mike Lounsbery- NO update
- Facebook posts for drive and Homecoming events
- Discussion on management of inappropriate content on our page – Mike Lounsbery
- Fundraising Events: Mary Hansen, Dawn Seeley, Tim Lawrence, Brendyn Richards
- Golf tournament during next year’s Homecoming?? – Tim Lawrence. Board decided to plan for a possible spring gold tournament, as Homecoming weekend is too busy other events.
- Concessions during JV Volleyball Tournament (After Prom) – Mike Lounsbery- Board to pass on concessions during this tournament
- Youth Basketball Tournament updates? – Brendyn. Going over potential dates with Owen on 9/8/22. Need to start forming committees once dates are finalized. Discuss at October meeting.
- School Enrichment: Mary Hansen, Adam, Scott, Dawn, Tricia, Randy
- Homecoming -
- Street Painting- Sunday, September 11th at 5 p.m. meet at the bus barn
- Spirit Items/Autograph cards: Tricia ordered items, Autograph cards to be given to Owen once they arrive.
- Fireworks/Flags (discussion): Brendyn to contact McKelvey’s, spent $500.00 on fireworks that past couple year. Up budget to $1000.00 for fireworks. Randy made a motion, Mike second. No further discussion, motion carried. Board agrees not to have flag display at homecoming football game.
- Parade Entry/decorating ride: decorating ride at 11:15 in front of Tricia’s house
- Hall of Fame Banquet – Jill to be BC Liaison
- XC opener – take-aways for next year
- FB4 update – Dawn Seeley: February 11th, 2023. 605 running co.- timing sponsors for event. More information to come.
- Homecoming -
Other Business
- Next Meeting Date: October 12th.
- Discuss Booster Club sign out at Softball fields
- Mary Hansen made a motion to adjourn meeting, Tim second. No further discussion, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.