September 2020 Monthly Board Meeting
Board Members Present: Brendyn Richards, John Christensen, Carly Cordell, Adam Nelson, Dawn Seeley, Jill Mockler, Scott Klungseth, Tricia Bak, Lisa Collins, Tim Lawrence, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen
Absent Board Members: Mike Lounsbery, Mary Heiberger, Joe Bak
Others Present: Geoff Gross
Called to order: Meeting called to order at 1841 by Brendyn Richards, President
Secretary’s Report: (Carly) Minutes were reviewed. Adam moves to approve minutes as written. Scott seconds. Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report: (John)
Current Balance $40,956.45 Scholarship; $245.00 (until last paid scholarship in January)
- $5200 in memberships approximately at this time
- United Way donations checks going to Mike LImmer’s House. Lisa Collins will work to get the forms to change over to direct deposit.
- 12 x 3 double sided banner for Truss = $159.75
- GBB Coaches Request $235.03 for basketball shootout T-Shirts
Carly moves to approve treasurer’s report, Scott seconds. No further discussion. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Frostbite 4 Update
- Frostbite Committee will present a check in the amount of $8500 at the football game on Friday September 4th to the Booster Club
- In between 1st and 2nd Meet at North entrance to the track whoever is there.
- Lourdes Reaves will be present for the Frostbite 4 Friday night
- Truss and banner have been used at multiple events already this school year.
Tim Lawrence, with Intense Graphics, is willing to price out a large check for future presentations of large donations.
ByLaw Approval
- ByLaws are with Tom Frieberg waiting to have them updated and then will bring for approval. Combining two documents. Brendyn has tried to contact him a few times. Carly will work on connecting again.
Marketing Brochure
- Tim L is requesting help with brochure. Carly willing to assist. Will set up a meeting to work on.
Capital Request Discussion
- In Oct/Nov starting storage shed in the SE corner of the track.
- Booster Club is Interested in supporting the Flag pole project to the football stadium
- Once school receives bids will bring back to the discuss level of booster club support.
- Future enhancements could be bricks, rod fencing etc.
- Another enhancement brough forward to the group is to improve the ticket table at the entrance of the gym. Mr Gross will look at other ideas for this project.
New Business:
Board Members
- Welcome Mary Hansen! Thank you for agreeing to serve on the Booster Club Board.
- Mary agreed to a 3-year term. August 2020-July 2023
- Jeff Buum has decided not to join the board at this time, but is interested in serving in the future.
School Updates
- Summer Rozy account balance at the beginning of summer was $9600. Summer Rozy total cost was $6550.
- $850 + $5700 = $6550 for summer participants
- 38 in person x $150 each = $5700
- 17 online x $50 each = $850
- Roughly $3000 remaining that booster club distributed from 2019-20 school year that will be used for the in-season Rozy before requesting more.
- No money is needed at this time from the Booster Club. Gross will notify when funds are needed.
- $850 + $5700 = $6550 for summer participants
- Booster Club approved the support of the following in previous meeting and is requesting payment:
- $3000 for new camera for HUDL
- $1000 for Touch Pro Screen in lobby
- $1650 Neptune
- Coaches Requests for team building
- $200 Boys Golf
- $500 Volleyball
- $200 Cross Country
- $400 Cheer
- $1500 Boys Basketball Traveling pants
- Discussion to have school invoice for full payment and they will handle the receipts
- Jill makes a motion to approve above coaches’ requests. Tim L seconds. Ask that if coaches requests are tabled, time sensitive or delayed to re-submit the requests or to reach out the board to discuss request. No further discussion. Motion approved
- NFHS System is available to stream all home Beresford events free of charge thanks to the support of the following businesses
- Jensen has paid $500 for NFHS F
- First Dakota National $1000
- School paid $1500 to meet the total of $3000 for unlimited subscription.
2020-21 Membership Drive
- Currently have online memberships: 20 Pride, 3 Purple, 9 Watchdog
- Brendyn will write an email and send to Carly to send out to last year members
- Gross will send an email out this week to promote memberships and website
- Gross will need a list and contact information on Executive sponsors for Neptune Commercials. The earlier these are done the better.
- Memberships Drive Table at events
- Football Game 9/4: Mary, Brendyn, Carly, Lisa. Please be there by 6:15 pm
- Coronation 9/7: Brendyn, Adam, Mary, Tricia
- VB Game 9/8: Tricia, Dawn, Jill
- Homecoming Football Game 9/11: Brendyn, Mary, Dawn, Tim. Please be there by 5:30 pm
- Liaison Committee: Scott, Carly and Mary Nelson are willing to work on this. Carly will set up time to discuss purpose of this group.
- Street Painting: Sunday at 2 pm. Meet by bus barn.
- Gross will send out in email.
- Carly will post on Facebook
- If you have supplies you would like to bring that would be great, but otherwise Tricia will bring the supplies.
- Spirit Items sells went well this week. So far, we are $400 in sells
- Ranger for homecoming float will be used from Pederson Machine. Homecoming parade is on September 11, 2020 at 1pm. Meet Tricia’s to help decorate at 10:30am if you are available
- Dawn, Lisa and Tricia
- Brendyn can’t drive this year.
- John willing to drive in the parade. Tricia, Lisa and Dawn with ride with John
Budget Planning
- Jill and John will get together this month to look at the budget.
Website Updates
- New Booster Club Board Picture – Please plan to wear a booster shirt at next meeting to we can update the picture on the Website
- Scholarship Criteria – Carly will work on getting this posted on the website somewhere
- Will push out Facebook eligible criteria
Made motion to adjourn by Carly @ 8:31 pm. seconds. All approve. Meeting adjourned.
Next Mtgs
October 14 @ 6:30pm at High School Lobby
November 4
Carly Farner-Cordell