October 2021 Monthly Board Meeting
Board Meeting
October 6, 2021
6:30 p.m. HS Library
Current Board Members present: John Christensen, Butch Farley, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Tim Lawrence, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Joe Bak, Dawn Seeley, Randy Quartier, Mark Van Otterloo
Absent: Tricia Bak, Brendyn Richards, Mary Hanson
Secretary Report – Mary Heiberger
Treasurer Report – John
Current balance $46,256.66
Invoices paid:
Morning Mingle donuts- $106.98
Printing Plus- 83.01
Approved bill payments:
Intense Graphics $435.15 pending
Booster club flag $169.00
- XC request for end of year celebration (coaches request) – Geoff Gross
XC after season party $350 (preapproved from coach’s request)
Geoff proposed that the Booster Club start paying directly for activities through the school, or he would be willing to pay for it and be reimbursed. The current system that goes through the school and then gets reimbursed is difficult for auditing system. Recommendation to make another flagpole payment.
John made motion to make 2nd installment payment of $3,400 to school.
Adam seconded motion. Voted taken, motion carried.
- Recommendations for Spirit Items:
John made motion to allocate Tricia B $350 for purchase of future spirit items.
Tim seconds, no further discussion. Motion carried.
Butch stated that 1st Dakota Bank would like to sponsor the calendar pocket charts for next year.
Old Business
- Annual Budget process for 2021-22 (on hold during Membership drive)
Three year comparison budget was presented. Will be discussed at future meetings.
- Sub-committee updates (if any)
- Membership Committee
- .i Membership drive updates. Approximate numbers were given. More specific details will be shared at next meeting.
- .ii Webstore
- Tim reported he extended the store for 3 more weeks.
- Membership Committee
- Watchdog Foundation Pledge request- discussion if & how we participate.
- Discussion held. Scott made motion to deny request at current time with option for future discussion. Butch seconded. Motion carried.
New Business
- Homecoming/HOF recap
Alumni returning said that HOF and entire homecoming weekend were great. Some discussion from students/community that fireworks after a losing game are not ideal. Idea to potentially do fireworks after coronation instead.
- Frostbite 4 scheduled for Feb 12th -
Dawn reported that more details will follow.
- Girls (Jan 15th) and Boys (Feb 19) Basketball Tournaments
Will discuss at future meeting.
- Researching database to track memberships.
Brendyn will bring options next meeting.
Geoff school updates-
School notified BABC that he will be requesting additional funds beyond typical allotment due to
approximate $8,000 deficit over 4 ½ month period for Rozy in-season programs. Will discuss at next meeting.
Watchdog leadership council update.
Mentioned that school board discussed need for additional gym space.
Future discussion/agenda items:
Lions club on Jan/Feb. agenda to discuss our involvement.
BY MARCH of 2022- approach Bridges to set up time for Homecoming golf tournament.
More focused intention with public relations (website, FaceBook, etc.)
Check into website to keep more current
Check Google permissions so that the appropriate people have access
Other Business
- Next Meeting Date:
November 10th- 6:30 high school library.