October 2020 Monthly Board Meeting

Board Meeting
October 14, 2020
6:30 p.m. Bertz


Current Board Members: John Christensen, Lisa Collins, Carly Cordell, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley. 

Absent Members: Joe Bak, Tricia Bak, Adam Nelson, Tim Lawrence

Others Present: Geoff Gross

Meeting called to order at 1844 by Brendyn Richards, President.

Secretary Report – Carly: Last meeting minutes emailed out.  No discussion.  Minutes approved.  

Treasurer Report – John

Current Balance: $53,525.54                                              Scholarship: $245.00

  • Payments sent out since last meeting:
    • School paid $4000 (HUDL, Touchpro), $1300 (XC $200, Boys Golf $200, VB $500, Cheer $400), BBB warm up pants $1500
    • Tricia Bak: $728.24 reimbursement for homecoming spirit items
    • Ace $29.13 paint supplies for street painting
    • Intense Graphics: FB T shirts $454.54; Membership stipend Online Purchases $267.00; 100 Yard Signs $654.98
    • Printing Plus: Pocket schedules $292.88
    • Renew Quicken Subscription: $47.91

Carly made a motion to approve treasurer’s report.  Mary seconds.  No further discussion.  Report approved.

Old Business

  • Bylaws approval
    • Officers will meet to review revisions on Wednesday, October 28th at 6:30pm. Jill, Brendyn, Carly and John @ Bertz back room
  • Marketing Brochures
    • Update – Carly emailed Tim all the marketing information. Goal to have draft here in November.  Discussion to work with Printing Plus to put together.  Carly will email to Brendyn to send to Chuck Coffman with Printing Plus.
  • Budget Planning
    • Update: We spent more than we brought in last year,
    • Frostbite donation came in later this year and is showing up on the 2020-21 vs 2019-20 year. This will cause budget to be slightly off because there will be 2 donations in the year of 2020-21.
    • Discussion around setting aside monies every year for capital expense and potentially setting up another account through Gary Schaap for capital requests or a savings account.
    • Separate out school requests vs coach’s requests.
      • Discussed adding a category for reoccurring requests such as HUDL, ROZY, Neptune These are around $14,000 per year.
      • Coach requests: team building, camps, equipment
    • Jill and John will continue to work on budget for this year and present at next meeting.
  • Capital Projects
    • Football Field/Track: Brian Field and Jared Olson have been contacted, along with Kelly Knutson.  Vision of a kid’s area.  No updates at this time.
    • Main Gym: Ticket area Update – see school updates in New Business.


New Business

  • School Updates from Geoff Gross
    • Ticket booth and cover/skirt – Gross requesting up to $500 to order a ticket booth and/or cover/skirt
      • Lisa made a motion to approve up to $500 to purchase enhancements for ticket taking table. Mike Lounsbery seconds.  No discussion.  All approve.  Motion carried.
    • Youth BB Tournaments – Not sure if we are going to be able to have them, but if they are held, will have to be creative. Discussed limiting tickets, including tickets/wristbands with entry fee to eliminate money exchange.  Recommendations will come from Activity Associations and Beresford school district will follow those same recommendations. School would be willing to put on NFHS network for viewers to watch.


  • 2020-21 Membership Drive
    • Update on membership numbers: 26 Pride (Total 52 People), 13 Purple, 25 Watchdog
      • Need to reopen membership store with new deadline date. Brendyn will talk with Tim Lawrence.
      • Memberships are down because of limited ability to go to the events. People have heard that people are holding off on memberships because they aren’t able to attend events, so don’t need activity card.
      • Ideas to help advertise for more members
        • Facebook Live post with student athletes saying how the Booster Club helps them. Dawn and Scott will work on this and post something on Friday.
      • Business Sponsorships: 5 executive, 2 Platinum, 6 Gold, and 3 Silver
        • Remaining Businesses to contact. Brendyn will look at last year’s list vs current membership.
      • Website Updates:
        • 2020-21 Membership list – Members known on November 15th will be listed on website and also be placed on the boards in lobby.
        • Need to take a new Board Picture: Next meeting November 4th 6:30pm. Wear pull over board shirt.  Bring backdrop
      • Liaison Update: meeting was held with Mary Hansen and Scott Klungseth to discuss role. Then met with Shana Jensen, Stacy Tjaden, Kristi Adams and Michelle Klungseth who have expressed interest.
        • Liaison role this year:
          • Help identify/recruit parents to take pictures at all levels (C, JV, and Varsity) at each event.
          • Communicate with coaches to get volunteer opportunities for athletes out there
          • Collect pictures for banquet programming
        • Homecoming
          • Thank you to those that helped with the parade. Next year it would be nice to have candy to throw out. 
          • Had a great turnout for street painting
          • Spirit items sold well.
        • Scholarship Discussion
          • Scholarship and Rubric needs to be updated for the 2020-21 year so it can be sent to the school earlier this year. Plan to continue to offer the 2 scholarships for $1000 each.
          • Carly will set up meeting with John, Adam and Lisa
        • Committee Structure
          • Discussed re-establishing committees to help assign tasks to groups to streamline processes and meetings.
          • Carly met with Jeff Thaler back in Feb 2018 to realign committees. Will send notes and descriptions of committees to Brendyn before next meeting for review.
        • Youth Basketball Tournaments tentatively scheduled (if COVID allows)
          • Saturday, December 5th (17 teams interested at this time)
            • Girls 3rd- 8th
            • Boys 6th-8th
          • Saturday, March 6th
            • Boys 3rd-8th
          • PO BOX
            • Discussed getting a PO Box for the Booster Club to decrease the amount of transition of mail/accounts etc when treasurer changes. Currently, mail items are still going to multiple people.  Goal would be Treasurer will have the key and check mail and key would be handed over when officer changes.
            • John Christensen will check into getting a PO Box. 

Other Business

  1. Next Meeting Dates:
    1. Meeting location Bertz backroom
      1. November 4th
      2. December 2nd

Respectfully submitted,

Carly Farner-Cordell, BABC Secretary