November 2022 Monthly Meeting
Board Meeting Agenda
November 8, 2022
6:00 p.m. HS Rm 230
Current Board Members: Dr. Joe Bak, John Christensen, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Tim Lawrence, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Randy Quartier, Mark Van Otterloo, Jeff Buum (members in attendance italicized)
Secretary Report – Mary Hansen Scott motion to approve, Jeff 2nd. Motion passed.
Treasurer Report – John
- XC missed invoices from coach’s request settlement. Received submission of receipts for summer XC food and lodging. Originally approved for $1600, have already reimbursed $1,181.65, which would leave $418.35. Motion made by Jeff to pay entirety of outstanding receipts of $665.62. Second by Tim. Motion passed.
- Paid: $4,000 Rozy ½ payment), check #68 void, P.O. box for year-$74 to postmaster, Quicken $63.77. Intense Graphics Stipend Reimbursement for Sept/Oct $198.99.
- Total= $51,794.92 Checking $8,781.22 Savings $43,013.69
Treasurer report motion to approve-Scott. 2Nd-Jeff Motion passed.
Special Coach’s Request – Boys Basketball – Coach Short
Request for Preseason Team Building: Practice, team bowling, 30 athletes/3 coaches to attend USF vs. Augie basketball game. Allocated up to $500. John motioned, Jeff 2nd. Motion passed.
Old/New Business
Sub-committee updates (if any)
- Membership Committee: Brendyn, Jill, John, Joe, Butch
- Website – handoff with administrator and plan going forward – continue discussion of options
- Jeff will set up meeting with Carrie and Mary to determine options and recommendation for future website.
- Website – handoff with administrator and plan going forward – continue discussion of options
- Public Relations/Outreach: Mary Heiberger, Mike Lounsbery
- Planning for hospitality events at BB & wrestling double-headers
- Owen will send dates of any fundraising meals etc on DH nights then Mary will send out sign up options for hospitality food
- Mary will create signs for hospitality
- Planning for hospitality events at BB & wrestling double-headers
- Fundraising Events: Mary Hansen, Dawn Seeley, Tim Lawrence, Brendyn Richards
- Youth Basketball Tournaments planning – Brendyn
- Tourney committee: Brendyn, Scott, Jeff, Dawn?
- Food committee: Jill, Jeff, Adam
- Volunteers/food donations committee: Tricia Dawn
- send out sign up end of Nov/start of Dec
- Frostbite 4: Feb 11. Registration goes live tonight
- Youth Basketball Tournaments planning – Brendyn
- School Enrichment: Mary Hansen, Adam, Scott, Dawn, Randy
- Nothing to report at this time
Other Business
- Dawn reported Owen did get Booster credit card from bank.
- Discuss at future meeting: Baseball Advertising at field
- Need to inventory paper products for hospitality
- Next Meeting Date: December 7th
Motion to adjourn- Tim 2nd- Scott Motion passed. Adjourned at 6:55pm.