November 2020 Monthly Board Meeting
Board Meeting
November 11, 2020
6:30 p.m. High School Library
Board Members Present: John Christensen, Carly Cordell, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Mike Lounsbery, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Joe Bak, Tricia Bak, Adam Nelson, Tim Lawrence, and Jill Mockler (by phone)
Absent Members: Lisa Collins
Others Present: Geoff Gross
Meeting called to order at 1838 by Brendyn Richards, President.
Secretary Report – Carly: Last meeting minutes emailed out. Reviewed at meeting. Scott made a motion to approve as written. Mary Hansen seconds. No discussion. Minutes approved.
Treasurer Report – John presented the treasurer’s report.
Current Balance: $58,609.41 Scholarship: $250.00
- Still require a receipt from the school for the following payments.
- School paid $4000 (HUDL, Touchpro), $1300 (XC $200, Boys Golf $200, VB $500, Cheer $400), BBB warm up pants $1500
- Bills paid since last meeting:
- Ace $26.78 additional paint supplies for street painting
- Intense Graphics: $159.22 XC State Shirts; $121.38 New member shirts
Scott made a motion to approve treasurer’s report. Mike seconds. No further discussion. Report approved.
- PO Box:
- John checked into a PO Box to streamline where the mail is sent and ease of transfer to as treasure terms complete. Cost is $64.00 per year with $6 key deposit.
Carly made a motion to approve rental of PO Box. Tricia seconds. John will complete paperwork and notify board members of new Booster Club address. Will have to update non-profit address with Frieberg and update website address once established. No further discussion. Motion approved.
- Budget: John and Jill presented 2020-21 proposed budget. Reminder that we did receive $8500 Frostbite monies that would have typically be in previous year budget.
- Discussed that December 5th Youth Basketball tournament is not going to be held.
Carly made a motion to approve budget. Dawn seconds. No further discussion. Motion passes.
Old Business
- Bylaws approval
- Revised document was reviewed. Edits were recommended. Board suggested adding verbiage related to quorum requirement. Will change Article VI Board of Directors will consist of not less than 5 nor more than 15 members.
- Scott Klungseth will email Carly suggested wording for quorum.
- Marketing Brochures
- Brendyn talked to Chuck Coffman with Printing Plus regarding designing a marketing brochure. He no longer has that software program; however, he is to assist with printing. Tim Lawrence still willing to put brochure together. He has the information from Mike Limmer and Carly. Goal to have draft done by January.
- Budget Planning
- Update: see notes above
- Capital Projects
- Football Field/Track: Footings are planning on being dug still this year for shed. Brendyn will touch base with Jared regarding the flag pole enhancement by entrance of stadium.
- Main Gym: Ticket table skirt was ordered. Cost is $465. Up to $500 was approved in October’s meeting.
- 2020-21 Membership Drive
- Additional members have trickled in over the past couple of weeks.
- Membership list will be sent to Teresa to update website and state “as of November 15th”
- New Board picture was taken and will also be uploaded to website.
- Discussed one last push for membership drive.
- Mary Heiberger will create a post on Facebook regarding memberships always available with Winter store will be open in the next few days for 2 more weeks.
- Tim will send Carly store link to be updated on website.
- Website Updates:
- 2020-21 Membership list – Members known on November 15th will be listed on website and also be placed on the boards in lobby.
- Need to take a new Board Picture: Next meeting November 4th 6:30pm. Wear pull over board shirt. Bring backdrop
- Scholarship Update: Scholarship committee meeting next Tuesday, November 17th @ 7:30pm to finalize minor format changes from last year.
- Additional members have trickled in over the past couple of weeks.
- Revised document was reviewed. Edits were recommended. Board suggested adding verbiage related to quorum requirement. Will change Article VI Board of Directors will consist of not less than 5 nor more than 15 members.
New Business
- School Updates from Geoff Gross
- Winter sports zoom meeting 11/12/2020 at 7pm.
- Touch Pro screen has been updated. Check it out in the lobby.
- Liaison Update: working well. Kristi Adams helping with gathering pictures. Will contact winter sport liaisons in the next couple of weeks.
- Committee Structure
- Carly emailed Brendyn document with committee information. Goal is to re-establish committee structure to spread out work among members. Brendyn will forward this out to rest of board to discuss next month.
- Youth Basketball Tournaments
- Saturday, December 5. School District Leadership made the decision to not be able to hold this tournament. Will have to refund teams that have paid already.
- Will leave March tournament on calendar for now.
- First Home BB Game
- Discussed doing a black-out for the first home basketball game. Tim will look into prices. Last year charged around $5 per shirt. Carly made a motion to move forward with blackout shirts. Mary Heiberger seconds. No further discussion. Motion approved.
Other Business
Next Meeting Dates:
- December 2nd @ high school library
Respectfully submitted,
Carly Farner-Cordell, BABC Secretary