November 2019 Monthly Board Meeting

Board Meeting Minutes
November 6th, 2019
7:00 p.m. at the High School Library


Current Board Members: Brendyn Richards, Mike Limmer, Carly Cordell, Tim Lawrence, John Christensen, Butch Farley, Scott Klungseth, Mike Lounsbery, Adam Nelson, Dawn Seeley, Lisa Collins

Board Members Absent: Jill Mockler Michelle Weatherton, Chet Borah

Others Present: Geoff Gross, Rob Wilson, Natalie Carda, Jim Sorenson

Meeting called to order by Brendyn Richards at 1901.

Secretary Report – Minutes were reviewed.  Mike Limmer made a motion to approve minutes. Scott seconds.  No further discussion.  Minutes approved.

Treasurer Report – Provided by John.  Current Balance as of 11/6/19 is $55,492.44 balance; Scholarship $495.00

  • Bills that currently need to be paid: Teresa Sveeggen $239.63 for Annual filing fee; Fiesta Foods hospitality table $11.67; Intense Graphics $265.60 State XC Shirts; Intense Graphics $562.32 eye blacks; Intense Graphics $611.31 membership coupons; Hall of Fame $1000
  • Need to figure out totals of athletic passes purchased during membership drive to reimburse school. Carly will review memberships.

Scott K. made a motion to approve payments listed above, Butch seconds.  No discussion.  Motion approved.

Scholarship account becomes inactive if no activity after 12 months.  Recently had to be re-activated.

Old Business

  1. Annual Filing: John-update
    • Annual filing completed by Teresa Sveeggen. Needs to be done in April
  2. Membership Drive for 2019:
    • Individuals/Couples member update: 196 individual members
    • Business memberships update: 23 business sponsors 

Discussion around younger children family’s involvement in booster club and perspectives of becoming members.  More discussion to in the future to promote reasons to get involved.

New Business

  1. Basketball Record Boards—Natalie (Carda) Board and Jim Sorenson
    • Discussion around the possibility of a basketball record board and putting it up in the gym. There is a wrestling and track board, but is there a possibly of putting something up and displaying all sports together in the same place.  Difficulty of where is the wall space that something like this could be displayed.
    • As booster club members are out in the different school districts, if you see something take a picture to collect different options so future discussions can take place.
    • Static or video boards were also discussed 
  1. School Updates from Geoff Gross
    • Trust and agency accounts are in the red. One is VB $254.00 in the red.  $2300 coaches’ requests were approved in April and currently school has only collected $800 of those funds.  Nonpaid funds were placed back into general fund because payment to the school was not requested prior to the sunset date.
    • Wrestling is $69.00 in the red because they took one more student to a camp than expected.
    • Rozy account is short $149.00. $1500 was applied to Rozy by the school from un-used Boys BB Coach Request on 7/17 and $1050 was paid on 8/7.  Total amount that has been paid by the Booster Club for Rozy so far is $2,550 out of $9000 commitment.  John will work with Mr. Gross to determine payment schedule for remaining commitment.

Booster club has requested that Mr. Gross re-request amounts above. 

Rob Wilson expressed concerns about booster club process for funding requests.  Board asked that the school pulls coaches together to create a proposal process to request funds that would help meet their programming needs.

One recommendation during the discussion is to add a second sunset date: recommended camp funds requested sunset in August and other funds requested for team bonding during in-season.

  1. Fall sports pictures (for spring banquet program) — Carly looking for booster member to collect one picture of each athlete and place on a Jump Drive and return. Would require person to contact coach for roster.  When saving picture, rename file to athletes’ name and return to Carly when done.
    • XC - Carly
    • Boys Golf – Scott
    • VB – Dawn
    • FB – Kelly K – John C. will work with Kelly for football pictures.
    • Cheer – Butch will ask Amy Farley if she would be willing to do Cheer.
    • Winter sports: GBB, BBB, Wrestling – any volunteers?
      • Wrestling: Rachelle Borah – Butch will ask Rachelle
      • GBB: Dawn
      • BBB: Brendyn
  1. Lobby Boards—Corporate and Individual
    • Intense graphics received membership lists. Boards will be completed and up before basketball season.
    • Please make sure that Pedersen Machine is spelled correctly. Incorrect on list emailed.
  2. Online Webstore—Tim Lawrence
    • Winter Apparel/Christmas orders – Christmas store could be used as fundraiser for the booster club.
    • Board approved store to set up fundraiser and will be set up. Intense Graphics will let us know when store is ready to be promoted.
  3. Amazon Smiles Program—Dawn Seeley
    • Dawn provided information regarding Amazon Smiles program that donates 0.5% of every purchase to a non-profit organization. Beresford Athletic Booster Club is listed as a one of these organizations.  Discussed if BABC wanted to be more active. 

Motion was made by Scott to pursue and complete application for Amazon Smile. Mike Limmer seconds.  No further discussion.  Dawn will collect information and complete the application.  Motion approved.

  1. Membership Subcommittee—Mike Limmer and Brendyn
  • Membership subcommittee needs to be continuous year-round. Consider to split subcommittees for Individual and Corporate sponsorships.
  • Would like to propose different recommendation for Individual memberships.
  • Corporate memberships are a different challenge and requires changes and ideas.
  1. Marketing Brochure—Mike Limmer and Brendyn
    • Brochure would be able to help advertise what we did and how we support the athletic programs.
    • Looking for Tri-fold to be created. Tim L is willing to create a draft and bring to next meeting.
  2. Future Events:
    • Business Breakfast
      • Date: Wednesday, November 20th
        1. 7:30-8:30 am, Bridges
        2. Need as many Booster Club board members present as possible
          1. Senior Athletes invited
          2. Coaches/Rozy
  • Athletic Home Event Calendar
    • Hospitality Room (One Board member take the lead)
      1. 13th—BBB/GBB home opener vs. Baltic – Brendyn
        1. Theme Night: “Whiteout”
          1. Mr Gross will work with student council.
          2. Will work with Intense Graphics to create and sell white t-shirts at activities earlier in the week. Lisa willing to assist with sales.
        2. Tues, Dec. 17th—BBB/GBB vs. DV – Mike Limmer
          1. Executive Sponsor: Sioux Corporation
          2. Theme Night: “Ag Appreciation”
            1. Can place ad on Neptune. Get script to Mr Gross.
            2. Include FFA students to help promote night. Mike will talk to Bridget Twedt.
          3. , Jan. 4th—BBB/GBB vs. Parker – Carly
            1. Executive Sponsor: First Savings Bank
            2. Theme Night: “Firefighter”
  1. Youth Basketball Tourney dates:
    • Girls 3rd-8th /Boys 7th-8th
      • December 7th: 12 teams as of 11/4
      • Need volunteers ASAP. Volunteer link was sent out today 11/6/19 by email.
    • Boys: March 14th
  1. Youth Basketball Camps:
    • Email sent to Coach Kropuenske and Coach Ebert on 11/4
      • Date of the camp and date of game to recognize campers will be determined soon!

Next Meeting Date:  December 4th @ 7pm.

Motion to adjourn by Scott, Carly seconds.  No discussion.  Meeting Adjourned @ 2123.

Submitted by:

Carly Cordell, BABC Secretary