May 2024 Monthly Meeting
Current Board Members: Carrie Buum, Jeff Buum, John Christensen(absent), Tim “Butch” Farley, Megan Joseph, Scott Klungseth, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Randy Quartier(absent), Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Michael Schurch and Ashley Sharpe.
Secretary Report: Megan Joseph. Adam made a motion to approve, seconded by Ashley . No further discussion. Motion carried.
Treasurer Report: John Christensen (absent)
Current Balance total: $
Checking Balance: $
Savings Balance: $
Bills Paid:
Old/New Business
Sub-Committee updates
Membership Committee:Jeff, Adam, Brendyn, Jill, John, Butch
- Promote/encourage involvement from members
Public Relations/Outreach: Carrie, Dawn, Erik and Michael
- Promote Upcoming Events
- Athletic Banquet-Finalize details
- Sunday set up starting at 7:00 p.m.
- 200 people for food.
- Big thanks to Carrie for putting the programs together from scratch! They will be ready this Friday.
- Videos received for the program from Ebert, Volleyball, Golf, Storo, Cheer
- No Warriors of the Month that need to be included in the program.
- We should mention special honors for each sport (All conference, etc.)
- Start with Fall(Scott) sports and go into Winter(Ashley) and Spring(Brendyn) sports.
- Scott will introduce 1 Top Dawg,4 scholarships, Hall of Fame
- Adam will ask Ryan Sveeggen to do the prayer.
- Jill will do Volunteers of the year
- Roger Krause Top Fan award handed to by Megan.
- Butch will hand out blankets.
- 3 sport Athletes handed out by Ashley Michael and Megan will help.
- Ask Seniors to Stand to recognize
- Jeff will acknowledge Dawgbone Entertainment
- Ask Owen to let coaches know they can set up their tables the night before or anytime Monday during the day.
- Dawn will reach out to Tricia to get table decorations.
- Black and White pictures for tables will be taken care of by Ashley.
- Monday-6:30 food starts and Program at 7. We should show up
- Scott will get plates,drink mix, from Fiesta.
- Drink dispensers will be used for banquet.
- Athletes moving on to college or military-Jeff will reach out to Owen and ask him who these students are to recognize them.
- Participation for Andrew Atwood to run out in Sturgis. Motion made by Michael, Seconded by Jill. No further discussion. Motion approved.
- Jeff will reach out to Owen to find out how much the school will be covering of this trip, and then will figure out an amount to give.
- Amount of up to $500 if the school isn’t paying for rooms and food. Motion made by Jill, seconded by Butch. No further discussion. Motion approved.
- Motion ammeded:$500 given if school isn’t paying for rooms. If the school is covering rooms then $200 for food stipend. Jill made a motion, Michael S seconded. No further discussion. Motion approved.
- Fundraising Events: Brendy, Dawn, Ashley
School Enrichment: Adam, Scott, Mike, Randy
- Coaches Requests-discuss and approve requests
- Coach Storo requesting $450 to be reimbursed for basketball camp we committed to.
- Storo originally asked for 2600 for backpacks for bball team, now requesting 17.49 each (found a new company willing to do it for that cost).
- 2500 approved for the boys. Ashley made a motion to approve, seconded by Michael. No further discussion. Motion approved.
- Wrestling camp June 24-28th, $150/athlete?
- $2000 for wrestling, motion made by Michael, seconded by Butch. No further discussion. Motion Approved.
- Girls Bball requests:
- $2500 total approved at last meeting.
- Volleyball requests: Satellite camp 15/hr per girl x 6 x 40=$3600.
- $1800 for Volleyball. Erik made a motion to approve, seconded by Ashley. No further discussion. Motion Approved.
- Softball:no formal request from Storo yet.
- Scholarships, Top Dawg, Volunteer of the Year
- 2 boys scholarships: Robert Watkins, Andrew Atwood
- 3 Girls Scholarships: Halle Livingston, Larissa Lyle, Tessa Henderson
- Coaches Requests-discuss and approve requests
Other Business:
- Need to restructure our committees.
- Randy, Mike, Dawn will more than likely be leaving when their term is up. Will discuss at next meeting possible new members (Michael brought up Kayla Schurch)
- Put together a form to send out to parents to apply to become board members
Next meeting will be Wednesday June 5th, 6:00.