October 2023 Monthly Meeting


Current Board Members: Carrie Buum, Jeff Buum, John Christensen, Tim “Butch” Farley, Megan Joseph, Scott Klungseth(absent), Mike Lounsbery(absent), Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Randy Quartier (absent), Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Michael Schurch(absent) and Ashley Sharpe.


Secretary Report: Megan Joseph. Dawn made a motion to approve, seconded by Ashley . No further discussion. Motion carried.

Treasurer Report: John Christensen. Jill made a motion to approve, seconded by Megan . No further discussion, Motion carried.


            Current Balance total: $61,182.20

            Checking Balance: $22,911.89

            Savings Balance: $38,270.31


Bills Paid:

  • FDNB CC $16.98 (Shopify Fees)
  • Cindy Erlandson $120.03 (XC Lanterns)
  • Lens Awning-Canvas $521.25 (Watchdog Repair)
  • Max Promos $500.00 (Flag Rental)
  • Printing Plus $76.46 (Autograph Cards)
  • Intense Graphics $969.73 (Clothing Stipend-1st round)



Old/New Business

Sub-committee updates

  • Membership Committee: Jeff, Adam, Brendyn, Jill, John, Butch
    • Membership/Sponsorship updates, current totals:$6600 Corporate memberships, $13,575 in Couples/Individual memberships (down $4000 from last year).
    • Ideas to improve membership services for members and board members
      • Send letter to businesses to sign up online or let them know a board member will be in to talk to them
      • Need Venmo account for fees. Ask Jared about the school account as is linked to phone number.
      • 2 separate boxes with all forms to sign up: one at stadium, one in the school. Need something to keep the boxes more organized as well.
      • Yard sign delivery day or pick up day for those who purchase membership online
      • Laptop vs. Paper form sign up for next year
      • Do we include a form for membership sign up in beginning of year paperwork for students/parents.
    • Public Relations/Outreach: Carrie, Dawn, Erik and Michael
      • Board Photo: Take at November Meeting. Wear BABC shirt.
      • Pro Touch: Give information to Matt Storo and he will get it updated in the lobby.
      • Hand out pocket calendars to businesses in town
    • Fundraising Events: Brendyn, Dawn and Ashley
      • Youth Basketball Tournament updates (Boys Dec. 2nd)
        • Teams-26 teams interested so far as per Brendyn.
        • Food purchase/Prep: Sub committee-Jeff, Jill, Adam
        • Refs- Brendyn will contact. 8 or 9 confirmed as of now.
        • Set up/Clean up
          • 6:30 Start setting up
          • Ask Owen about getting kids involved with set up.
        • Concessions/Baked Goods
          • Volunteer sign up-tie it to Coaches requests from the BABC
        • T-shirts: Intense Graphics will do personalizing again.
        • Trophys: New plates for them, or order new?
        • Need a room for teams to hang out when not playing.
      • School Enrichment: Adam, Scott, Mike and Randy
        • Homecoming-Takeaways:
          • Motion made by Ashley to pay Tricia Bak for Spirit items she purchased, seconded by Dawn. No further discussion. Motion approved.
          • Will get numbers from Tricia and decide on ordering Spirit items sooner rather than later.

Other Business


  • Create Sub committee members
  • Joe Markl $10,000 donation to BABC, how do we want to utilize this and give recognition and some longevity in memory of Kim.


Next Meeting Date: November 1st