March 2020 Monthly Board Meeting
Current Board Members: John Christensen, Carly Cordell, Butch Farley, Tim Lawrence, Mike Limmer, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley
Absent Board Members: Tricia Bak, Chet Borah, Scott Klungseth, Lisa Collins, Michelle Weatherton
Secretary Report – Carly
February meeting minutes were reviewed. Clarification on under New Business, School updates was requested regarding HUDL. After discussion, minutes will be amended to state the following:
- HUDL total cost for 2019-20 school year was $7500. Booster club paid $3000 and school paid $4500 to cover costs.
Mike Limmer made a motion to approve minutes with above addendum. John seconds. All approve. No further discussion. Minutes approved.
Treasurer Report – presented by John.
Current Balance: $37, 735.39 Scholarship Account: $245.00
- Karen Carlson Scholarship in the amount of $250 was paid to Alana Bergland as the 2019 recipient in February with other scholarships. 2020 will be the last year that this scholarship is offered.
- Received deposit of $10.05 from Amazon Smile. Discussed ways to market this during membership drive.
- Payments due to Fiesta Foods $140.50 for hospitality table.
- Board preapproved withdrawal of $3000 start up cash for the Boys Basketball Youth tournament being hosted on March 14.
- Question raised regarding financial records and how many years they are required to be kept filed. John will check with Teresa Sveeggen on her recommendation.
Mike LImmer made a motion to approve treasurer report. Jill seconds. No further discussion. Report approved.
Old Business
- Scholarships
- Scholarship was sent to the school and emailed out to students by Mrs. Pratt. Deadline for application is April 2, 2020.
- Rubric is not created yet.
- Mr Gross indicated that there is a draft of a rubric created from years past. Will email document to Carly.
- Brendyn will work with Vermillion Booster Club President to see if they will assist with selection of recipients.
- Bylaw updates-meeting Thursday, March 5th
- Will review and update bylaws.
- Review of Booster Board Member Terms. Members up for renewal. Will review again once bylaw updates are completed.
- 3-year term completion July 2020: Chet Borah, Mike Limmer, John Christensen
- Year to year commitment July 2020: Tricia Bak and Michelle Weatherton
- 3-year term completion July 2021: Brendyn Richards, Carly Cordell, Scott Klungseth, Jill Mockler, Dawn Seeley
- 3-year term completion July 2022: Tim Lawrence, Lisa Collins, Butch Farley, Mike Lounsberry, Adam Nelson
- Marketing Brochure update—Tim L.
- Some information has been sent to Tim. Draft is being pulled together. Needs some more information from Mike LImmer and Brendyn to complete. Will set up meeting.
New Business
- School Updates were given by Mr. Gross.
- Coaches requests were received and reviewed. Total amount requested in school and coach requests = $43,553
- Current Time sensitive request is for $1000 to help support the purchase of an electronic display board for in the lobby. School also looking for support from other local funding options.
- Discussion around tracking invoices and how monies are allocated and reimbursed. No changes to current method, but looking to enhance process due to substantial amount of money being requested.
- Frostbite 4 updates – Dawn Seeley
- Waiting on All Sports Central for final amount raised and should get numbers in the next couple of weeks.
- Frostbite 4 Committee is looking to purchase a Finish Line Truss. Cost $3500. Potential use for multiple events. Consideration of Booster Club partnering to purchase Truss.
- Senior Night Hospitality
- Adam suggested that Booster Club assist with Senior Nights by hosting Hospitality table vs Senior Parents having to do a potluck to be supportive of parents on this night.
- Will consider working into plan for next year’s athletic events calendar.
- March 14 Youth Basketball Tournament
- Set up will be Friday night. Gross set up a Remind Group to communicate regarding that night and set up.
- Start time 3pm for those that can be there to help set up.
- Prep Pulled Pork for sandwiches – will send out information on times on Remind.
- Will also pick up buns and chips for the ‘meal deal’. Sandwich and chips for $5.
- Carly will bring leftover tavern meat to have at elementary gym.
- Brendyn will send out list of what needs to be set up.
- Mike Limmer will pick up Donuts from Royal Bake Shop Saturday morning.
- Currently 40 teams signed up. A few more open spots.
- 16-minute running halves. Last 2 minutes of each ½ will stop. If team ahead by >15 points will be a continual clock.
- Could still use a few more refs for the day. Suggestions: Tracy St. Pierre, Senior Boys BB players, John Mochel.
- Set up will be Friday night. Gross set up a Remind Group to communicate regarding that night and set up.
Spring Banquet
- Thursday, May 7th
- Food/caterer—Central Catering. $9.75 per person. Will need final numbers for caterer by April 23rd
- Tickets for parents/guests will go up to $13.00
- Banquet Program—Carly updates
- Working with Teresa on this. Front page, Football page, Boys Golf, Coach/Staff page done, Sponsor Page done
- Will request information regarding team by March 27th for Winter Sports
- Will need spring rosters by March 27th
- Need President Letter from Brendyn for program
- Booster Club Volunteer of the Year (Service Award)
- Nominations – Received 4 names for nominations. Carly will create voting ballots for next meeting
- Karen Carlson Scholarship—
- Nominations – received 4 names for nominations for scholarship. This will be the last year of the scholarship. Carly will create ballots for next meeting.
- Top Dawg awards – need names from Mr. Gross. There are 8 of them this year.
- Gross will help get Top Dawgs to be hosts for banquet
- Senior recognition blankets
- Carly will get Senior names to Tim Lawrence for blankets
- National Guard stuff—Geoff
- Invocation by student: Dayshon Adams – has agreed to do invocation
- Photographer—Maas has been confirmed.
- Other items
- Cakes are ordered via Fiesta Foods
- Need to order Gluten Free cupcakes
- Carly will print invitations to send to parents for next meeting
- Will need address labels printed from school office. Carly will work with Mr. Gross and Rhonda P on this
- Food/caterer—Central Catering. $9.75 per person. Will need final numbers for caterer by April 23rd
Next Meeting Dates:
April 8th
May 6th – do at the golf course as a meeting/set-up night
Motion to adjourn @ 9:19 by Adam Nelson. Mike Lounsberry seconds. No discussion. Meeting Adjourned.
Submitted by:
Carly Cordell, BABC Secretary