June 2023 Monthly Meeting

Board Meeting Minutes

June 7, 2023

6:00 p.m. HS Library

Current Board Members: Dr. Joe Bak, John Christensen, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Tim Lawrence, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Randy Quartier, Mark Van Otterloo, Jeff Buum

Guests: Ashely Sharpe, Megan Joseph, Carrie Buum, Mike Schurch, Owen Reinalda

Absent: Butch Farley, Tim Lawrence, Mark Van Otterloo

Secretary Report: Mary Hansen: Scott made a motion to approve, Mike Lounsbery second. No further discussion, motion carried.

Treasurer Report: John: Mary Heiberger made a motion to approve, Brendyn second. No further discussion, motion carried.

Current balance total: $64, 569.03
Checking: $ 14,423.74
Savings: $50,145.29

Bills paid:
• Shopify Fees (FDNB) $17.03
• Panther Printing (Athletic booklets) $1, 064.87
• The Bridges (tablecloth rental) $25.56
• Intense Graphics (Softball/Track state qualifiers t-shirts) $646.72

Bills paid today:
• Mary Heiberger (Athletic recognition pictures) $103.50
• Jill Mockler (Athletic recognition awards) $184.09
• Brendyn Richards (license plate decals) $143.75

• Jill and John to get total membership count and pay BHS for athletic passes.

Old Business
Sub-committee updates (if any)
• Membership Committee: Brendyn, Jill, John, Joe, Butch, Adam, Jeff
 Liveticket discussion

• Public Relations/Outreach: Carrie, Dawn, Mike Schurch

• Fundraising Events: Ashely, Dawn Seeley, Brendyn Richards

• School Enrichment: Mike Schurch, Adam, Scott, Mike Lounsbery, Randy
 Coaches Requests – request for bags from Coach Storo (Softball)
1. Requesting 34 softball bags purchased for a total of $3,399.46.
a. John made a motion to approve half the cost of softball bags of $1,699.83 with the high school to cover the additional cost. Mike Lounsbery second. No further discussion, motion carried.

 Athletic Recognition night – recap & ideas for improvement
1. Jeff suggested giving the coaches a template to read for recapping each sport season and have recording played at Athletic recognition night, instead of a board member reading their season recap.
2. Need to recognize students on technology team for all their hard work throughout the year.
3. Discussion on whether to move back to the Bridges of Beresford and provide a meal or remain in the gym with concession stand pop, popcorn, or candy bar.
4. A new date will need to be discussed, due to the High school band concert on the first Thursday in May. Owen will let the board know what dates are available once the calendar is set.

New Business
• Accept resignations of any current board members: Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Tim Lawrence, Mark Van Otterloo: John made a motion to approve, Jeff second. No further discussion, motion carried.
• Nominations and voting of new members: Jill discussed board member expectations:
o Ashely Sharpe, Megan Joseph, Carrie Buum, Mike Schurch: Jeff made a motion to approve new members, Mary Hansen seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried.
• New President (Adam Nelson) assumes position.
• Nomination and election of officers (Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary)
o Vice President: Jeff Buum: Dawn made a motion for vice president, Scott second. No further discussion, motion carried.
o Treasurer: John Christensen: Jeff made a motion for treasurer, Scott second. No further discussion, motion carried.
o Secretary: Megan Joseph with Dawn Seeley to be back up when needed: Jeff made a motion for secretary, Scott second. No further discussion, motion carried.
• Discussion and assignment of new members to sub-commitments. Adam reviewed sub-committee requirements with new members and encouraged them to review each expectation and decide which committee would be their best fit.
• Fall membership drive planning (membership committee will be meeting in July)
o Individual & Corporate Membership levels – changes?
o Website updates
o Homecoming – special displays (fireworks, giant flag, etc.) September 22nd.
o Cross-Country season opener: Dawn to start working on t-shirt design and lanterns for race winners.

Other Business
• Next Meeting Date: August 2nd (No meeting in July)
• Mary Hansen made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jeff second. No further discussion, meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.