June 2020 Monthly Board Meeting

Board Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2020
6:00 p.m. via Online Zoom meeting
Present Board Members: Tricia Bak, Lisa Collins, Carly Cordell, Butch Farley, Tim Lawrence, Mike Limmer, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Michelle Weatherton


Absent Board Members: Chet Borah, John Christensen, Scott Klungseth

Others Present: Geoff Gross

Secretary Report: Minutes were emailed out with agenda. Reviewed. Mike Limmer made a motion to approve minutes as written. Adam seconds. No Discussion. Motion approved.

Treasurer Report: Carly presented treasurer report in John’s absence.
$36,475.77 in the general fund $245.00 Karen Carlson account 

  • $5 still needs to be transferred from general account to Karen Carlson.
  • One bill to pay $600.93 for the senior sport blankets.
  • Amazon deposit was $8.36
  • Lisa's United Way fund deposit 2 checks for $144.94
  • Taxes for the year are filled and completed.  Theresa Sveeggen bill is pending.
  • Need to know if Intense Graphics plan to cash the check for the extra tee shirts printed for the tournament.
  • Check # 1909 for $217.26 
    • Tim Lawrence confirmed that they will NOT be cashing this check and it has been destroyed. T-shirts are not year specific and can be utilized next year.

Mike Limmer made a motion to approve Treasurer’s report. Tim Farley seconds. No discussion. Motion approved.

Old Business

  • Frostbite 4 committee wants to meet with Executive members and how the partnership could look in the future. Dawn will try to set it up for next Tuesday evening.
    • Mr. Gross asked to be part of the conversation to discuss the “Finish Line Truss” funding.

New Business

  • School Updates from Geoff Gross
    • Wondering if we have heard if Frostbite was going to donate. This impacts the “Finish Line” Truss purchase. Important to find out so school can this ordered. Will need to discuss with Frostbite committee.
    • Touch Pro Screen/System will be ordered this week. Received additional funding from community.
  • Booster Club already approved $1000. Mr. Gross will touch base with John Christensen regarding $1000 transaction and when it is needed.
    • Rozy Program – School had funds left over from in-season Rozy not occurring during COVID19 pandemic. Therefore, will utilize those funds to cover the school programming. See further discussion below. Rozy has started in-person option with COVID19 guidelines in place.
    • Unsure if any summer camps will be occurring. Possibly one volleyball camp.
  • Budget planning
    • Need to approve budget in July. Jill willing to work with John to create budget. Adam would also like to be included in budget discussion. Jill will set up meeting with 3 of them.
  • Rozy
    • Discussion regarding summer Rozy and current Booster support has held. Since athletes/coaches are not able to attend camps this summer, suggestion was brought forward that the booster club provide additional support to encourage Rozy participation for the 2020 summer only.
  • Current and past support: Booster Club $50 per student
  • Recommendation for 2020: Booster Club give additional $50 per student
  • Total = $100 per student up to 75 students
  • Booster club has already paid $50 per student up to 50 students to school.
    • Since the school has surplus monies from the Booster Club that was for the in-season Rozy that was not able to be held, the school can cover up to 50 students without receiving additional money. Tim Lawrence made a motion to fund up to 75 athletes, an additional $50 per athlete, to max of $3750. Dawn seconds. Discussed importance of announcing that this is an exception for this summer in lieu of camps being cancelled and not a permanent change. Mr. Gross will announce this at the meeting with parents/athletes on June 4. No further discussion. All in favor. Motion approved.
  • By-laws
    • Revised By-laws were sent to Tom Frieberg to review. Send back feedback and recommended amendments. Carly will reach out to Tom to make amendments.
Board Members
  • Terms completed
    • Chet Borah, Mike Limmer, Michelle Weatherton
    • Thank you to all of you for your years of volunteering on the board.
  • Prospective Board members
    • Mary Heiberger, Mary Nelson-Hansen, Jeff Buum, Dr. Joe Bak
    • All prospective members are interested. Brendyn will reach out to confirm commitment and invite new members to next meeting.
2020-21 Membership Planning
  • Individual/Couple – The membership committee met and brought forward recommendations that included decreasing to 3 membership levels ($250 couples, and 2 individual for $75 and $25).Store Credit was removed from $75 and Rozy stipend removed from $25 memberships.
  • Recommendations from booster board is to move $75 back up to $100.
  • Carly will make adjustments to form and work with Teresa to start making changes to online format on the website.
    Business Memberships
    • Membership committee needs to meet soon to discuss business sponsorship strategies.
    • Scholarships
      • Received feedback from a few community members and past booster board members on scholarship. Executive board and scholarship committee members will be meeting in June withindividuals to listen to feedback.
      • Received thank you card from Jaycee Fischer for scholarship.
    Future projections collaboration
    Brendyn presented information regarding future school projects that booster club might be interested in helping to support. Some school projects discussed but not limited to are:
    • Storage solution at football/track field
    • Bus Barns
    • Gating at Stadium
    • Discuss seating area
    • Awnings at Stadium
      • Mike Limmer and Brendyn are going to be meeting with school in the next weeks regarding this.
    • Will bring back information at next meeting.
      • Important to show involvement with logo to demonstrate how board utilizes membership donations/support.
    • School Fall Activities meeting
      • August 6 th
      • Brendyn will work with Tim Lawrence to ensure that marketing flyer is ready for this meeting.

    Next Meeting Dates:

    • July 1, 2020
    • August 5, 2020

    Meeting adjourned @ 7:44pm
    Respectfully submitted,
    Carly Cordell, BABC Secretary