August 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Current Board Members: Carrie Buum, Jeff Buum, John Christensen, Tim “Butch” Farley, Megan Joseph, Scott Klungseth, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards(absent), Michael Schurch and Ashley Sharpe.

Guests: Kayla Schurch, Kristi Adams, Kim Erickson, Troy Boone


Secretary Report: Megan Joseph. Ashley made a motion approve, seconded by Michael. No further discussion. Motion carried.

Treasurer Report: John Christensen. Jill made a motion to approve, seconded by Ashley . No further discussion. Motion carried.


            Current Balance total:$

            Checking Balance: $14,409.85

Booster Club

Scholarship/Markl Account $10,033.63

            Savings Balance: $38,672.78


  • Bills Paid: $11.02 Shopify fees, 459.10 paid to Jill for Pocket calendars, $89 to Carrie for passes.
  • Received a check from Gina with memo of BBall tournament. Need to follow up to see what its for, as we thought we were squared up with them.
  • Can do direct deposit or ACH payments-John received paperwork about this.



New Business

  • Michael Schurch to replace Erik as VP, and Kayla Schurch to become new member. Motion made by Butch, seconded by Jill. No further discussion. Motion carried.
  • Sub-committee selction- open floor discussion
    • Carrie got new membership cards made for Purple and Pride.
    • Jeff and Carrie have put together a packet for Corporate membership info. Need to find out if they are still receiving a percentage off of the Live Ticket.
      • Whoever drops off the packet will keep in touch with them and pick up check.
    • Morning Mingle-Looking at Tuesday the week of homecoming at 7:30 a.m. Need at least 3 members present for this.
    • Not selling memberships at Open House. Focusing on Sept 6, 13th football games for sales, 1st and 2nd VB games to sell as well.
    • Received 2 ipads from the school to use for entering credit card information for memberships.
    • All dates on Website should be updated.
    • Booster Club store hoping to be live by Monday.
    • John needs the info as who to pay for the Cheer Camp.
    • Membership drive-individual/corporate-football, volleyball games.
    • Corporate Package packets and game passes available
    • Cross Country kickoff
      • Jeff sent out sign up.
    • Homecoming
      • Vanguard Squadron for flyover at football game $500.
      • Large American flag for National Anthem.
      • Cain Antonson is secured to play the National Anthem at Football game.
      • Golf cart for Parade.
      • Tricia is still wanting to do Spirit items.
      • Dog head needs to be assessed to see what grommets need to be put back on.
      • Hall of Fame banquet Adam or Ashley will hand out trophies.
      • Sub committee wil meet up again before next Board meeting to finalize some of these things.
      • Jeff and Butch will put the word out for volunteers to help hold/bring out the flag.
      • Jeff will be in charge of picking up the flag.
    • Apparel Store-Should be live next Monday.
      • Looking at new/different items for more traffic into the store. Stadium umbrellas, blankets, Stanleys, etc. Let Jill know if have any suggestions.
    • Facebook Announcements/access
    • Adam will reach out to Syd Sveeggen about finishing the wrap on the Stadium.
    • DawgBone entertainment area for spot for Kim Markl memorial? Will need to figure out if it needs to be painted on or if Syd can do it. Also need approval for it from the School.
    • Need to order new shirts for BABC members ¾ zip possible?
    • Sports Calendars