July 2020 Monthly Board Meeting
Board Members Present: Brendyn Richards, John Christensen, Mike Lounsbery, Carly Cordell, Adam Nelson, Dawn Seeley, Mary Heiberger, Jill Mockler
Absent Board Members: Scott Klungseth, Tricia Bak, Joe Bak, Jeff Buum, Lisa Collins, Tim Lawrence, Butch Farley
Others Present: Geoff Gross
Called to order: Meeting called to order at 1838 by Brendyn Richards, President
Secretary’s Report: (Carly) Minutes were reviewed. Dawn moves to approve minutes as written. John seconds. Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report: (John)
Current Balance $35,993.47 Scholarship; $245.00 (until last paid scholarship in January)
- United Way two deposits for $66.00. Paid for Senior Blankets. Teresa Sveeggen $293.63 paid for taxes.
- Outstanding Kiosk $1000 that still remains to be paid
- Jill and John will start on budget.
- Will get an update on summer coach Rozy once school receives invoice
- Mike Lounsbery moves to approve treasurer’s report, Adam seconds. No further discussion. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Frostbite 4 Update
- Troy Boone said that the finish line truss was ordered and is here. Willing to work on learning to put it together.
- Final Cost was around $4200 with shipping.
- Did get fully paid from Sports Central. Donation amount to Booster Club from Frostbite is still to be determined.
Cross Country
- Will not be able to have T-shirt sales on site. Would be able to do a pre-order T-shirt that will be communicated to all the coaches that are having teams’ race. T-shirts would be pre-bagged for coaches to distribute. Dawn will continue to work on this.
- Board suggests to get Lanterns, however would not put year on in case we are not able to host. Suggested to have story printed and provided to winners along with Lantern.
- Mr. Gross willing to have story on Neptune during the event.
- By Laws Approval: By Laws are with Tom Frieberg waiting to have them updated and then will bring for approval. Combining two documents.
New Business:
Board Members
- Welcome Mary Heiberger. Thank you for agreeing to serve on the Booster Club Board.
- Other new board members will be Joe Bak, Mary Nelson-Hansen, Jeff Buum. They were not able to be present
- tonight.
- Mary agreed to a 3-year term.
- School Updates
- Truss Banner – School requesting that booster club supports banner and will have Unleash the Pride Logo
- Geoff will work with Tim Lawrence to order.
- Jill made a motion to approve up to $200 for a Finish Line Truss banner. Mike L seconds. Discussion regarding Booster Logo being included. Suggest having “Booster Club and Unleash the Pride”. It will be double sided. No further discussion. All Approve. Motion carried.
- Touch Pro is here and being worked on. If you have any old programs please send to Mr. Gross. Brackets are mounted and will be up and running first day of school.
- Fall Kick off meeting August 6 th by Zoom. Please attend and listen in. Link will be set out.
- Brendyn will be present and give a brief presentation on membership.
- Recommend mentioning the role of a parent liaison.
- Possible dates for Youth BB December 5 th and March 6 th Tournaments
- Brendyn requested a second date be looked into in March in case we can’t hold the one in December.
- Facemask request
- Requesting financial support for purchasing 2 face masks for athletes. $2000 for 500 masks ($4/mask).
- Concerns were raised regarding other students not having masks. Currently no quorum at meeting to vote.
- A recommendation was made to purchase one mask for every kid in 6-12 grade. This could help to promote the booster club and membership.
- 350 students are in the 6-12 grades.
- Could have 2 different types of masks. Unleash the pride on all, and for athletes have Unleash the Pride with sports symbol
- Could also sell to parents as Booster Club and could potentially use as part of membership
- Wait until Monday after School Board Meeting to help to determine if masks will be required. Then will send out email to vote with deadline. Following items would be voted on:
- $2000 for 500 masks, 2 masks per student athlete
- Purchase 1 mask for every student in 6-12 grade of all the same design (around 350 students)
- Purchase 1 mask for every student 6-12 grade, but have different design for athletes (around 350 students)
2020-21 Membership Drive
- Individual and Business Memberships are now up on the website. Will have to sell memberships on paper and online.
- Business Memberships – Brendyn will send out list of businesses. Please let him know which businesses you are willing to approach regarding corporate sponsorships. Great to utilize banquet programs to help recruit sponsorships.
- Game Day Tickets…Will need to look at from last year to determine if current athletes are available. Not planning to print this year due to the potential of events being cancelled.
- Hospitality Area
- Not going to be able to do this year. Potentially plan for 2021-22 year.
Marketing Brochures
- Tim is still working on. Brendyn will follow up goal to have completed by first game.
- Facebook: Mary Heiberger is willing to assist with Facebook as well as Mike Lounsbery. Carly will provide them with editing rights.
- Carly will review those that still have access to Facebook page and remove those that are no longer assisting.
- Capital Projects: Jared asked if booster club is willing to be involved in any capital outlay projects.
- Ticket booth, Area right side of the gate – place flag pole
- Suggest getting a price on Flag Pole and one from Tim on flag.
NFHS Network
- Very good usage. First Dakota is paying for all people can stream all home regular season events for free.
- Spectators will have to pay for a subscription to view other schools.
Made motion to adjourn by Carly @ 8:19pm. Jill seconds. All approve. Meeting adjourned.
Next Mtgs
September 2
October 7
Carly Farner-Cordell