January 2023 Monthly Meeting
Board Meeting minutes
January 11, 2023
6:00 p.m. HS Library
Current Board Members: Dr. Joe Bak, John Christensen, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Tim Lawrence, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Randy Quartier, Mark Van Otterloo, Jeff Buum
Absent: Mark Van Otterloo
Secretary Report – Mary Hansen: Mary Heiberger made a motion to approve, Randy second. No further discussion, motion carried.
Treasurer Report – John: Mike made a motion to approve, Adam second. No further discussion, motion carried.
Current total balance: $53,331.57
Checking account: $10,273.81
Savings account: $43,057.76
Up to date paid bills:
Frieberg Law: $10.00
Brendyn Richards: $985.34- tournament trophies
Fiesta Foods: $ 44.64
Credit card bill: $16.71-shopify
Interest on savings account: $44.37.
Old/New Business
Sub-committee updates (if any)
- Membership Committee: Brendyn, Jill, John, Joe, Butch- no update
- Public Relations/Outreach: Mary Heiberger, Mike Lounsbery
- Hospitality events – any updates, all nights filled? Discussed setting up hospitality room in band room for more space and availability to watch game on big screen T.V.
- Fundraising Events: Mary Hansen, Dawn Seeley, Tim Lawrence, Brendyn Richards
- Youth Basketball Tournaments – subcommittee updates – Brendyn & Adam:
- Adam, Jill, and Jeff to meet after tonight's meeting to talk about tournament food.
- 35 teams registered for Saturday, setup Friday night at 6:00 p.m. at both High School and Elementary gym. Admission is $5.00 adult, $3.00 kids (elementary)
- Update on doubleheader raffle with Jensen Insurance: 1st night raised a total of $245.00.
- Youth Basketball Tournaments – subcommittee updates – Brendyn & Adam:
- School Enrichment: Mary Hansen, Adam, Scott, Dawn, Randy
- Frostbite Four update – Dawn, registration now open, please be watching for volunteer email to sent out. Meet at the school Friday night before event to set up. Looking for nominations of “Friend of the Watchdog” and “Official starter” let Dawn know if you have any suggestions.
- Progress/planning on Athletic Banquet book – are we getting enough sports pictures? Mary Heiberger is working on this and currently has plenty of pictures of Senior athletes and sporting events.
- Date of Athletic Recognition night, any changes to format, etc. Jill, Adam, and Owen to discuss possibly moving to Sunday, April 16th, due to band/vocal conflict. More to be discussed at February meeting.
- Sub-committee work on any recommended changes for Scholarship & Top Dawg
- Sub-committee to meet in January - bring any recommended changes to Feb. meeting. Scholarship to be provided to Ms. Pratt in Feb. for an April 1st due date.
- Sub-committee: Adam, John, and Joe to meet and discuss any recommended changes to scholarship.
Other Business
- Next Meeting Date: February 1st – High School Library
- Motion to adjourn meeting: Mike, Jeff second. Motion passes, Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.