January 2021 Monthly Board Meeting
Board Members Present: John Christensen, Carly Cordell, Butch Farley, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Jill Mockler, Lisa Collins, Mary Hansen, Mike Lounsbery, Joe Bak, Adam Nelson, Tim Lawrence
Absent Members: Tricia Bak
Others Present: Geoff Gross (by phone)
Meeting called to order at 6:37pm by Brendyn Richards, President.
Secretary Report – Carly: Last meeting minutes emailed out. Reviewed at meeting. Discussed that the Athletic Banquet is incorrect. The correct date that it is scheduled is May 6th. John made a motion to approve report. Tim L. seconds. No discussion. Minutes approved.
Treasurer Report – John presented the treasurer’s report.
Current Balance: $58,090.15 Scholarship: $250.00
- Bills paid since last meeting:
- $293 was paid to Intense Graphics to reimburse for the 2nd round stipend of PRIDE membership coupons.
- $10 was paid to Frieberg Law for the annual filing fee.
- $132 was received from United Way
Carly made a motion to approve Treasurer’s Report. Lisa seconds. Scholarship discussion will be held in Old business. Report approved.
Old Business
- Marketing Brochures
- Tim L has completed the first draft. This will be emailed to Carly for editing prior to sending out to the full board.
- Printing Plus is willing to assist with printing of the brochures. Once brochure finalized, Brendyn will reach out to Chuck again.
- Capital Projects
- Flagpole discussion: Mr. Gross indicated that no formal quotes were received as last month was a brainstorming meeting. It would be helpful to have decision on if BABC is willing to support project and in what manner to help with the planning.
- Discussed that this could be a staged project that booster club budgets a set amount every year for a specific number of years to develop the project. Recommended that a committee/task group be created to discuss this project.
- Brendyn will reach out to Jared Olsen to discuss options.
- Committee members include: Adam, Mary Hansen, Scott, Brendyn and Dawn.
- Scholarship Update
- Received paperwork/proof of completion of the first semester of college from both 2019-20 scholarship recipients. No paperwork required for Karen Carlson scholarship.
- Flagpole discussion: Mr. Gross indicated that no formal quotes were received as last month was a brainstorming meeting. It would be helpful to have decision on if BABC is willing to support project and in what manner to help with the planning.
Carly made a motion to approve payment of $1000 scholarship to both Brad Christensen and Jaycee Fischer, along with the $250 Karen Carlson Scholarship to Brandon Andrews. Brendyn seconds. No discussion. All approve. Motion approved.
- Youth BB Tournament
- Next tournament is scheduled for March 6. Have received 8 registrations and multiple calls recently. This is currently still pending on if the event can be held at the school. Gross indicated that is could be a few more weeks until they decide. Other youth tournaments have been recently held.
- Brendyn and Mr. Gross will reach out to those facilities that have recently held tournaments to determine what restrictions they may have had in place.
- Frostbite 4
- This was changed to a virtual race. The actual date is February 6th. Link is available on FaceBook. Carly will pin this to the top of the page.
- Please share on FB to help with awareness!
- Gross will send out link through school and request to place on school website.
- This was changed to a virtual race. The actual date is February 6th. Link is available on FaceBook. Carly will pin this to the top of the page.
- Next tournament is scheduled for March 6. Have received 8 registrations and multiple calls recently. This is currently still pending on if the event can be held at the school. Gross indicated that is could be a few more weeks until they decide. Other youth tournaments have been recently held.
New Business
- Athletic Banquet
- This is currently scheduled for May 6th. Bridges is reserved in exchange for sponsorship. It is yet to be determined if this is going to be able to be held.
- Depending on pandemic status, we may have to consider an alternative location.
- Program – Athletic program is in progress. Two fall sports pages completed.
- Catering options – Lisa Collins will look into catering options regarding individual packed meals.
- This is currently scheduled for May 6th. Bridges is reserved in exchange for sponsorship. It is yet to be determined if this is going to be able to be held.
- Frostbite
- Update given by Dawn Seeley. Committee has been meeting and they are working on a virtual option. Discussed alternative location of the Bridges, but difficult to safely social distance. Considering a drive-thru option for picking up shirts/goodies. Goal is to have a decision made early this month.
- Fundraising
- Since basketball tournaments have been cancelled due to pandemic, other fundraising events were discussed. Consideration for the fundraising committee to discuss.
- Golf Tournament/Dual with Beresford vs Vermillion or Elk Point.
- Softball tournament
- Triathlon: Example would be Trap shooting, cornhole, and dart tournament
- 3 on 3 outside basketball tournament.
- Committee Members include: Adam Nelson, Mary Hansen, Scott Klungseth, Brendyn and Dawn
- Since basketball tournaments have been cancelled due to pandemic, other fundraising events were discussed. Consideration for the fundraising committee to discuss.
- State Youth Baseball tournament
- Scott Klungseth indicated that Beresford has been choosen to be the host site for the Youth State Baseball tournament. It is to be held July 7-9, 2021.
- BABC to consider advertising/supporting this event in some way. Will table for now.
- Committee Re-structuring/re-implementation plan
- To facilitate efficiency in booster club initiatives, it has been discussed to re-implement committees to ensure projects are moving forward. Recommend to have 3-4 people to review and recommend revised structure at February meeting.
- Carly, Mary Heiberger and Lisa Collins are willing to meet and discuss. Carly will send out a few dates to determine meeting time.
- Scott Klungseth indicated that Beresford has been choosen to be the host site for the Youth State Baseball tournament. It is to be held July 7-9, 2021.
Scott made a motion to adjourn at 7:31 pm. John seconds. No discussion. Adjournment.
Next Meeting Date:
- February 10, 2021 @ high school library
Respectfully submitted,
Carly Farner-Cordell, BABC Secretary