February 2024 Monthly Meeting

Board Meeting Minutes
Feb 28, 2024
6:00 p.m. HS Library


Current Board Members: John Christensen,  Scott Klungseth, Eric Nyhaug, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Randy Quartier, Jeff Buum; Carrie Buum, Ashley Sharpe,

Absent: Megan Joseph, Butch Farley, Michael Schurch, Mike Lounsbery

Secretary Report – Megan Joseph; Adam made a motion to approve, Randy second. No further discussion, motion carried.

Treasurer Report – John; Scott made a motion to approve, Jill second. No further discussion, motion carried.

Current balance: $ 67957.85

                Checking: $ 19488.65

                Savings: $48469.20

Bills paid to date:

  • $450 – girls softball turn rental
  • $287.17 for trophies.
  • Shopify fee: $16.98

 Financial Updates –

  • Bank Account: John’s and Brendyn’s information has been updated
  • John’s Merkle account has been added


Old/New Business

Sub-committee updates:

  • Membership Committee: Jeff, Adam, Brendyn, Jill, John, Butch
    • Promote/encourage involvement from members


  • Public Relations/Outreach: Carrie, Dawn, Erik, and Michael
    • Promote upcoming events


  • Fundraising Events: Brendyn, Dawn, and Ashley
    • Youth Basketball Tournament updates
      • Date will be March 2nd.
      • Brendyn has the Sign-up Genius for volunteers and food (concessions and baked goods).
        • Need a couple more adult volunteers
        • Owen will push out to the teachers and update on the Booster Club facebook site
      •  43 teams have registered and 38 have paid
        • 7th grade team has dropped out from S.C. They had not paid
        • Ref slots are filled.  Refs will be given tickets in order to receive food and drinks. 
      • Trophies – Have arrived
      • Registration Table:  In December tried to use a table for the coaches to check in so we know if teams do not show up and we can adjust brackets prior to the game. 
        • Expectation is that the coach checks in. 
        • Refs can be paid from Adam, Brendyn, or Jeff. 
        • Trophies/pictures can be managed at this location also
        • Coaches just found


  • Food purchase and/or prep – Jill, Jeff, Ashley
    • Will have some hotdogs at the Elementary school
    • Pork sandwiches and pizza
    • Need to update the price sheet with costs to be comparable with prices at normal game day.
    • Will need to purchase water, and blue tape for floors.


  • Owen will get table clothes, cash boxes, crock pots, coffee pot, trainer bags x2, Booster Club Backdrop for pics, large cooler


  • Tim and Gina will bring shirts- Carrie will follow-up?


  • Set-up will be on Friday, March 1st @ 1800.


  • School Enrichment: Adam, Scott, Mike, and Randy
  • Coaches Request
  • Boys Basketball
    • Pentagon - $450. Only first 24 teams get in
    • Augustana - $450
    • One other team camp (potential USD) – $450
    • Total $1350
    • Clothing aspects: Team travel backpacks:  30 bags = $87/bag, but will try to get a discount.  $2610.  Basketball is asking for $2000 to cover additional costs (ie taxes, shipping etc..  This will only be used for games and turned in. 
  • Volleyball
    • USD or another camp to come to Beresford = USD costs $3600 but wants $1800 from Booster Club
    • Harrisburg Camp: $25/girl.  Estimateing 30 girls - $750
    • Mitchel Camp $30/girl: 20 girls (varsity/JV)= $600
  • Girls Basketball
    • Pentagon - $450. Only first 24 teams get in
    • Okoboji Classic - $395 with hotel/tax $479.
    • 4 additional camps being looked at, but dates have not been released yet. This will determine which camps are feasible.
      • Costs are between $250 - $450 (not all prices have been released).
    • Requesting to attend 3-4 camps depending on the dates.
    • Travel pants – $60 for pair with logo and extra lengths. 30 pairs = $1800.


  • Banquet April 29th:
    • Send pictures to Carrie.
    • Golf course is booked.
    • Food is being planned for Marie’s
    • Blanket’s


Other Business


  • Gym floor is going to be redone. Unleash the Pride and the Watchdog Logos are being considered.  Projected to cost $48,000.
  • Motion to give $3000 to project to add Unleash the Pride to the floor. Scott made a motion to approve and Eric 2nd.  All approved. 


  • Frostbite 4 Race Director – Need to identify somebody


Next Meeting Date:  April 3, 2024 @ 1800 in the BHS Library