February 2023 Monthly Meeting
Board Meeting Minutes
February 1, 2023
6:00 p.m. HS Library
Current Board Members: Dr. Joe Bak, John Christensen, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Tim Lawrence, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Randy Quartier, Mark Van Otterloo, Jeff Buum
Absent: Brendyn Richards, Tim Lawrence, Dr. Joe Bak
Secretary Report – Mary Hansen: Scott made a motion to approve, Adam second. No further discussion, motion carried.
Treasurer Report – John
Current Balance: $57,694.58
Checking: $14,636.82
Savings: $43,057.76
Bills paid to date:
$367.79-credit card bill for boys’ basketball outing
$62.58- Adam Nelson supplies for hospitality room
$108.18-Jill Mockler hospitality room
$500.00- Scholarship Isaiah Richards
$500.00-Scholarship Carter Sveggen
$80.00- Gage Lyle ref for basketball tournament
Mike made a motion to approve, Mary Hansen second. No further discussion, motion carried.
Old/New Business
Sub-committee updates (if any)
- Membership Committee: Brendyn, Jill, John, Joe, Butch- No update
- Public Relations/Outreach: Mary Heiberger, Mike Lounsbery- board members to discuss if we should continue to offer Hospitality room next year or discuss other options.
- Fundraising Events: Mary Hansen, Dawn Seeley, Tim Lawrence, Brendyn Richards
- Youth Basketball Tournaments – follow-up on January tournament, planning for February tournament.
- Tournament Recap: January 14th, 2023: 35 teams total with 3 teams that backed out.
- John has a rough estimate of $6,000-$6,500 profit. John is requesting a group sit down after each tournament and count money totaled from the day.
- Next tournament, February 25th, 2023: as of today, 18 teams have registered with more signing up.
- Needing more baked goods: Boys and Girls basketball players to bring bars.
- Volunteers sign-up sheet to be emailed out in the next couple of days.
- Sitting good with refs
- Brendyn needs to leave early with Adam and Jeff to take over tournament duties for second half of the day.
- Concessions: count inventory before and after tournament more a more accurate total.
- School Enrichment: Mary Hansen, Adam, Scott, Dawn, Randy
- Degen – give update and discuss failed bond project: Board members gave suggestions on how to get word out to community members.
- Frostbite Four event on 2/11/23 – Dawn: 234 registered runners as of 2/1/23, with more anticipated to sign up day of race. Volunteers needed to help set up Friday after school and put runners bags together. Dawn requested $500.00 cash from Booster club to have the day of race for runners signing up. John made a motion, Mark second. No further discussion, motion carried.
- Athletic Recognition night on 5/4/23 - planning
- Sub-committee work - Scholarship & Top Dawg recommendations
- 2023 Scholarship applications to be provided to Ms. Pratt in Feb. for an April 1st due date.
- 4 Scholarships to be given: 2 girls and 2 boys- $500 each with a total of $2,000.00. Jeff made a motion for total amount of scholarship. Butch second. No further discussion, motion carried.
- Booster club to revise Scholarship amount every 3 years. Mike Lounsbery made a motion to approve 3-year term revision, Dawn second. No further discussion. Motion carried.
- Board members discussed Top Dawg and to remove Middle School merit towards this award. Jill made a motion to remove MS merit, Scott second. No further discussion. Motion carried.
Other Business
- Next Meeting Date: March 1st
- Motion to adjourn meeting: Mike made a motion to adjourn, Scott second. No further discussion. Motion passed and meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.