February 2022 Monthly Board Meeting
Current Board Members: Dr, Joe Bak, Tricia Bak, John Christensen, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Tim Lawrence, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Randy Quartier, Mark Van Otterloo
Absent: Dr. Joe Bak, Tricia Bak
Guests: Troy Boone and Mr. Gross
Secretary Report – Mary Hansen: No updates. Mike made motion to approve and John seconds. No further discussion. Motion carried
Treasurer Report – John
Current Balance: $49,314.99
Paid balances/invoices:
Fiesta Foods: $ 232.09 (Hospitality Room food)
Brendyn Richards: $ 561.40. Girls/boys basketball tournament trophies
Girls Basketball Team refunds: $470.00 (3 team refunded: $420.00, 1 team shortened a game: $50.00)
Beresford High School: $700.00 concessions at girls’ basketball tournament
Josh Limmer and Laura Bogue: $1,000.00 each recipients of 2021 Booster Club Scholarship
No unpaid balances at this time
- Establishing Booster Club Credit Cards – First Dakota approved Booster Club credit cards with $5,000.00 credit line. John Christensen and Geoff Gross will each have a credit card.
Frostbite planning – Troy (event on Feb. 12th) so far there are roughly 270 participants registered to run.
Task assignments (packet pick-up, gym prep on Friday) looking for volunteers to help hand out race packets to participants on Friday afternoon: 3-3:30 p.m. Volunteers needed day of Frostbite race and to arrive at High school at 8:00 a.m. to be assigned duties. Garret Hartsock will be Honorary starter, he will be gifted a $200 gift card from the Booster Club to either Game Stop or Best Buy.
Randy made motion to approve and Butch seconds. No further discussion. Motion carried
Old Business
- Sub-committee updates (if any)
- Membership Committee : Brendyn, Jill, John, Joe, Butch
- Boomerang update/payment of activity cards. No updates at this time and to be addressed at March meeting
- Public Relations/Outreach: Mary Heiberger, Mike Lounsbery
- Hospitality Room – no hospitality room on Feb. 11th due to fundraiser for Garrett Hartsock during last double header basketball game
- Event promotion – Facebook posts: Brendyn or Mary Heiberger to promote upcoming Boys Basketball Tournament February 19th
- Fundraising Events: Mary Hansen, Dawn, Tim, Brendyn
- Girls Tournament recap: 22 teams competed.
- School Enrichment: John, Mary Hansen, Adam, Scott, Dawn, Tricia, Randy
- Discussion started on tracking spreadsheet on coaches’ requests: Mr. Gross to create google doc. And send out before March meeting
- Share invoices and related documents in Google docs? No update
- Membership Committee : Brendyn, Jill, John, Joe, Butch
New Business
- Coaches Requests: Mr. Gross presented a first draft of coaches’ request. Second draft to be presented at March meeting. Fundraising committee to meet before March meeting and decide on allocated money amount to be used on end of year parties.
- Boys (Feb 19) Basketball Tournaments – 40 teams registered so far. Brendyn has emailed volunteer link, several positions still available, especially in need of refs. Volunteers needed to set-up on Friday night.
- Scholarship applications: Two Girls, Two Boys will be given scholarships $500.00 per recipient. Booster Club board voted on four athletes to receive scholarships instead of two. Butch made a motion. Mary Heiberger second. No further discussion. Motion carried.
- Athletic Banquet planning/discussions. HS gym will be the venue (event is May 5th). Mary Heiberger starting to put together Athletic Banquet program. Subcommittee: Mary Heiberger, Mike, Mary Hansen, Mark, Tricia and Dawn to meet to discuss Banquet details before March meeting.
Other Business
- Next Meeting Date:
March 9th at HS Library at 6:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Mike. Second Jill. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m.