December 2019 Monthly Board Meeting
Board Members Present: Brendyn Richards, John Christensen, Carly Cordell, Tricia Bak, Chet Borah, Lisa Collins, Butch Farley, Scott Klungseth, Mike Limmer, Adam Nelson, & Dawn Seeley
Board Members Absent: Michelle Weatherton, Tim Lawrence, Jill Mockler, Mike Lounsberry
Others Present: Geoff Gross on phone
Secretary Report – Carly reviewed notes from last minutes. Discussed corrected total of $2550 that has been paid to school for Rozy. No other discussion. Mike Limmer made a motion to approve minutes. John seconds. No further discussion. Minutes approved.
Treasurer Report – John reported the following:
Current Balance: $49,289.57 Scholarship account: $495.00
- Payments made since last meeting: $3500.00 was paid to school to be applied to Rozy. Remaining balance: $2950.
- Pending payments awaiting approval: $693.61 to Intense Graphics for Youth BB T-Shirts; $172.09 to Thrive Nutrition; $350.39 for Trophies for BB Tournament; $77.35 to Centerville Bakery for Zebra Donuts for BB Tournament
Mike made a motion to approve pending payments listed. John C. seconds. No discussion. Motion approved.
- Discussion of remainder balance of Rozy and upcoming financial commitments.
- Remaining balance of Rozy is $2950 of $9000 commitment.
- Membership drive complete. 146 total activity passes were purchased. School needs to be paid for activity passes. 85 activity passes were purchased online. There is a 3% fee when purchased online. Will deduct online fee from total amount.
- $40 per pass x 146 passes = $5840
- $40 per pass x 85 = $3400 x 0.03 = $102 (online fees)
- $5840 – 102 = $5738 owed to school
- 2018-19 Senior Scholarships need to be paid in January. There were 19 scholarships awarded at $250 each. Total amount = $4750
- Sub committee will need to meet to review application and selection criteria.
Scott made a motion to approve payment of $2950 for remaining balance of Rozy, $5728 to school for activity passes, and $250 scholarships for qualifying seniors up to the total of $4750. Tricia seconds. No further discussion. Motion approved.
Old Business
- Amazon Smiles Program—updates—Dawn Seeley
- Account has been created. There are currently 7 supporting and 25 purchases. Will had out flyers at home BB Game.
- Sports pictures (for spring banquet program)—Carly Cordell
- Requests that fall sports are completed and J: Drives given back by December 30th so pictures can be sent to Teresa.
- Boys Golf – Scott, VB – Dawn, XC – Carly, FB – John
- Winter Sports to receive J: Drives next:
- Wrestling - Rachelle Borah, GBB – Dawn, BBB – Brendyn
- Lobby Boards—Boards are ordered—arrive by early next week and school will hang
- Basketball Record Boards—Recommend that the school take the lead on this and bring suggestions if this is something they are considering.
- Online Webstore—Tim Lawrence—Update
- Winter Apparel/Christmas orders—121 items. We raised $480 with these orders!!
- Whiteout—51 orders of 115 total t-shirts. Facebook LIVE Event this week! Would like 4-5 students to help with event.
- Consider a WHITE OUT at the Beresford Wrestling match on January 23rd.
- Membership Subcommittee—Mike Limmer and Brendyn
- Do we split for Indiv. and Corp.? Form committee(s)? TABLED
- Marketing Brochure—Tim L. update – In progress
- Requests that fall sports are completed and J: Drives given back by December 30th so pictures can be sent to Teresa.
New Business
- School Updates from Geoff Gross – None
- Business Breakfast recap – This went well. DeVries demonstrated HUDL and felt it was good to share.
- Bridges Sponsorship—Carly was able to secure a Platinum Sponsorship with the Bridges. Sponsorship agreement is in trade for facility use. Approved for the following:
- 2019 Fall Morning Mingle
- 2020 Evening Social – need to work with available room dates
- 2020 Athletic Banquet – May 6th for set up and May 7th evening
- Youth Basketball Tourney this Saturday
- 26 teams that consist of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th---girls and 7th—boys.
- Set up Friday Night. Please be there by 6:15pm
- John will bring start up cash. Scott will bring Ref Shirts
- 72 volunteers signed up so far.
- Community Concert on Sunday: we need a clean-up crew Saturday night and to help the set-up for the Sunday concert
- Concessions: 65 donuts from Centerville
- School (Geoff) has hot dogs, (4) breakfast pizzas and (4) pizzas preordered. Will have regular concession stand items.
- 10 signups for bake sale items
- Future Events:
- 13th—BBB/GBB home opener vs. Baltic— Hospitality Room –Brendyn
- 26 teams that consist of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th---girls and 7th—boys.
(w/ Tjaden’s and Orr’s) Nacho and taco bar, etc.
- Theme Night: “Whiteout”
- Tues, Dec. 17th—BBB/GBB vs. DV—Mike Limmer – Pulled Pork Sandwiches
- Theme Night: “Ag Appreciation”
- , Jan. 4th—BBB/GBB vs. Parker—Carly
- Theme Night: “Firefighter/Police”
- Chet will let Tarz know at next meeting.
- , Jan. 17th –BBB/GBB vs. Tri-Valley— Dawn and Tricia – Taco Bar
- Theme Night: “FB4”
- Youth Basketball Tourney dates:
- Boys: March 14th
- Currently have 11-12 teams signed up
- Theme Night: “Firefighter/Police”
- Executive Sponsors
- December 13th sponsor is Intense Graphics
- January 4th sponsor is First Savings Bank
- January 17th sponsor is Sioux Corporation
- February 7th sponsor is Precision Lawncare
- February 25th sponsor is First Dakota
- Pending dates/events: Fiesta Foods, Bertz, and Web Designs
- Little Watchdog Youth Basketball Clinic:
- Saturday, December 14th: 9:30-10:30 am
- T-shirts paid by two sponsors: Bogue Inc verified and First savings is pending
- Students will be recognized at the Dakota Valley doubleheader on December 17th
- Signed up as of Dec. 4th: 31 (sent out 12/2)
- End of Year Athletic Banquet
- Thursday, May 7th
- Location secured
- Keynote speaker option was discussed. Potential speaker could be Adam Timmerman. Other options to have a speaker were at an evening social, special event, or Fall Athletic Kick off meeting. Will continue to consider. No decision made at this time.
- Saturday, December 14th: 9:30-10:30 am
Next Meeting Date: January 8, 2020 @ 7:00pm
Adjournment: Carly made a motion to adjourn at 8:46pm. Scott seconds. No discussion. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Carly Cordell, BABC Secretary
Committees (2019-2020) UPDATED) Still have need of a Social/Spirit committee member
- Information Technology/Marketing: Carly, Lisa, Michelle
- Frostbite: Dawn
- Membership: Mike Limmer, Jill, Brendyn, John
- Fundraising: Brendyn, Tim
- Enhanced Sports Programming: Scott, Chet, Mike Lounsbery, Lisa, Butch
- Social/Spirit: Tricia, Michelle, vacant
- Recognition/Scholarships: Carly, John, Adam