August 2023 Monthly Meeting
Board Meeting Minutes
August 7, 2023
6:00 p.m. HS Library
Current Board Members: Dr. Joe Bak, Carrie Buum, Jeff Buum, John Christensen, Butch Farley, Megan Joseph, Scott Klungseth, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Randy Quartier, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Michael Schurch and Ashley Sharpe.
Guest- Erik Nyhaug
Secretary Report- Megan Joseph: Jill made a motion to approve, seconded by Carrie. No further discussion. Motion carried.
Treasurer Report- John Christensen: Mike Lounsbery made a motion to approve, seconded by Scott. No further discussion. Motion carried.
Current Balance Total: $52,490.36
Checking: $7,220.05
Savings: $45,270.31
Bills Paid:
- Northern State (Wrestling Camp) $2,000.00
- Shopify Fees (FDNB) $17.03
- BHS (athletic passes) $7,400.00
- Sydney Nelson (softball camp) $250.00
- Courtney Baxter (softball camp) $250.00
- Amy Farley (cheer camp) $841.02
- Top Dawg Awards (GBB & BBB camps) $1982.93
- Beresford School (CC camp, VB camp, GBB camp, BBB camp) $6271.56
- Beresford School Neptune (track tent)
Old/New Business
- Accept resignation of Dr. Joe Bak. Motion to approve was made by Michael S., seconded by John. No further discussion. Motion carried.
- Nomination and voting of new board member Erik Nyhaug. Motion to approve was made by Jeff, seconded by Butch. No further discussion. Motion carried.
- Sub-committee updates:
Membership Committee: Adam, Brendyn, Butch, Jeff, Jill, John, Scott
- Decided on selling memberships at Fall Athletic meeting Aug 7th, first and second home football games, Cross Country Opener and home volleyball game.
- Discussion of possible gifts to give members to walk away with after purchase, items given in the past seemed sufficient (pens, signs, window clings, passes)
- Booster Store will be through Intense Graphics. Motion was made by Jeff, seconded by Michael S. No further discussion. Motion carried.
- Jeff will pick shirt designs and options for Booster store. No date given as to when store will be live.
- License Plate stickers will be available for $20/pair, same as last year.
- Booster Club pocket calendars- Ordering 1,000 through Alpha Graphics (new company recommended by Chuck Coffman). Motion was made by Butch, seconded by Scott. No further discussion. Motion carried.
- Discussion about adding possible QR code to calendar for Booster Club information.
- Tracking memberships & sponsorship- John will continue to keep track of all memberships.
- Sign-up forms and cash/checks need to be brough to him ASAP after selling events.
- Discussion of possibly using Venmo for purchasing memberships next year.
- Corporate sponsorships & Live ticket- discussion of approaching more businesses (ex. The Bridges)
- Discussion on needing more volunteers for events from the Booster Club members, not just Board members.
- A motion was made to give sub-committees the ability to vote on time sensitive matters, as long as details are posted in BAND app to remain transparent to the rest of the board. Motion made by Adam, seconded by Scott. No further discussion. Motion carried.
Public Relations/Outreach: Carrie, Dawn, Michael S.
- Website updates-working on dates to become live for sales
- Credentials and access to Booster information-Brendyn agreed to give access to all information to entire sub-committee as well as the secretary to post minutes.
- Discussion about access to facebook by members needing to be limited due to potential Likes/Posts being made on accident. No immediate actions seem needed.
Fundraising Events: Ashley, Brendyn & Dawn
- Open dates for basketball tournament- Dec 2nd, Jan 13, Feb 17th, Mar 2nd
- Frostbite 4 will take place on February 10th
- 25th year-discussed needing ideas for ways to celebrate the milestone
School Enrichment: Adam, Michael S, Mike, Randy, Scott
- Football Jersey handout event- Booster Club is opting out of being involved.
- Cross Country Opener Aug 25th- Dawn is in charge of lanterns and t-shirts for this
- Watchdog inflatable- Adam and Scott agreed to find out how many repairs are needed and how to repair it (possible patch kit from Tim Lawrence)
- Homecoming week-
- Street Painting & Spirit Supplies-Dawn will talk to Tricia Bak about both
- Parade involvement-Discussion of what to use for a vehicle in parade. Megans’ Camaro was brought up as as option, as well as asking Jerry Carda about his golf cart.
- Halftime of fball game- discussed flags around the stadium, and the large flag brought out during the anthem (carried by members as well as JH football team and possibly dance team).
Other Business
- Next meeting Date: September 6th @ 6:00 p.m.
- Motion was made by Michael Schurch to close the meeting, seconded by Mike. No further discussion. Motion carried.