August 2021 Monthly Board Meeting


Board Meeting
August 4, 2021
6:30 p.m. HS Library

Board Members Present: Dr. Joe Bak, Tricia Bak, John Christensen,, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Tim Lawrence, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley

Absent members: Butch Farley and Scott Klungseth

Others present: Geoff Gross

Secretary Report – No new minutes. Brendyn made motion to approve and Tim L. seconds.  

Treasurer Report – Current balance: $46,421.06

  • $326.04 Paid to Teresa Schlup in July for Spotify
  • $3400 Paid to school for flag poles


  • $ 170 be paid to school for concessions provided at 2021 Athletic Banquet.
  • $80.94 Printing Plus for 1,000 game day tickets.


  • $505.88 to Intense Graphics for window clings
  • $ 168.70 to Intense Graphics for GBB East/West Shoot Out shirts. ( this to be included in GBB coaches request)

Old Business

  1. Annual Budget process for 2021-22: Jill and John to discuss and report at September meeting
  2. Sub-committee updates
    • Membership Committee: Brendyn, Jill, John, Joe and Butch
      1. Final Membership/Sponsorship forms: finalized
      2. Webstore: Tim L. working on designs and uploading. Possibly keeping Webstore open until December 1st for people to order apparel
  • Sponsorship outreach: needs to be divided out amongst committee
  1. Fall Sports night: Aug. 10th at 6:30 p.m. HS gym
  • Public Relations/Outreach: Mary Heiberger and Mike L.
  • Fundraising Events: Dawn, Tim, Brendyn and Mary Hansen
  • School Enrichment: Tricia, Dawn, Adam, John, Mary Hansen, Mike L. and Scott
  1. Update on filling the open Board position – discussed open board positions with two nominations. Board approved nominations of new board members: Mark Van Otterloo.
    • Mary Heiberger moves to approve, Mike L. seconds. No further discussion. Motion passed

 New Business

  1. Resignation of current board member, Lisa Collins: Jill accepted resignation.
  2. Call for nominations and election of Secretary: board nominates Mary Hansen (John moves to approve, Tim L seconds. No further discussion. Motion passed) Dawn Seeley agreed to be back-up Secretary as needed.
  3. Discuss and possibly nominate a replacement for new board vacancy: Nominations approved on new member Randy Quartier (Dawn moves to approve, Mary Hansen seconds. No further discussion. Motion passed)
  4. Update/wrap-up on Summer Rozy, Coaches Requests, and school expenses – Geoff Gross
  • 99 Athletes participated in summer Rozy.
  • Coaches requests paid: Total: $19,648.03
    • Activities office: $ 3,000.00 Hudl, $4950.00 summer Rozy, $1,620.00 Neptune

= $9,570.00

  • Boys Basketball: $ 1,323.00 Pentagon BBB League, USD Team Camp, DWU Team Camp
  • Activities office-Capitol Project: $ 3,400.00 flag pole
  • Football: $ 300.00 Lennox Team Camp
  • Girls Basketball: $3,269.73 Centerville Camp, Pentagon GBB League, West river camp
  • Volleyball: $ 1,516.60 Bertz, Camp Lakokia, Parker/Harrisburg volleyball
  • Wrestling: $100.00 coverage of an overdraft

  Jill made motion to approve payment of coaches requests above, Mike L. seconds. No discussion. All approve. Motion passes.

  1. Watchdog Foundation request – Brendyn to have Dr. Degen provide more information at September meeting.
  2. Football Jersey Night & Parent Picnic Night (August 14th) – BC approved $350 for chicken from Fiesta (Tim L moves to approve, Mary Heiberger seconds. No further discussion. Motion passed) BC memberships to be sold at event. Set-up time 6:15 p.m. at football stadium.
  3. Cross Country opener & fundraising – Dawn set up t-shirts to be sold at 1- $10 or 2 for $15.
  4. Homecoming purchase planning – Tricia to order additional merchandise to be sold at school and activities during homecoming. Street painting will be Sunday, September 12th at 5:00 p.m.
  5. Changing of purple membership: $150 to include one activity pass.
    • Pride: $250
    • Purple: $150
    • Watchdog: $25
      1. Brendyn to contact Teresa on changes to membership and typos on BC website.

Other Business

 Cooperate breakfast: to be discussed at September meeting

Next meeting: September 8th, 6:30 p.m. HS library

Jill made a motion to adjourn. Mary Hansen seconds. No discussion. Meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.