April 2024 Monthly Meeting


Current Board Members: Carrie Buum (absent), Jeff Buum, John Christensen, Tim “Butch” Farley(absent), Megan Joseph, Scott Klungseth, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Erik Nyhaug, Adam Nelson, Randy Quartier(absent), Brendyn Richards(absent), Dawn Seeley, Michael Schurch and Ashley Sharpe (absent).

Guests: Stephanie Voss, Owen Reinalda

Secretary Report: Megan Joseph. Michael S. made a motion to approve, seconded by Jill . No further discussion. Motion carried.

Treasurer Report: John Christensen. Jill  made a motion to approve, seconded by Ashley . No further discussion, Motion carried.

  • Financial Updates:
    • $57 brought in from bball tournament.
    • John will pay the school for the Atheltic Passes, as well as Rozy when that total comes in.
    • Dawn is waiting to get final bill from Intense Graphics from Frostbite Four.
    • Try and find volunteers for reffing to bring the cost down (NFHS offers free classes to learn to officiate).

            Current Balance total: $72,862.08

            Checking Balance: $24,276.49

            Savings Balance: $38,576.87

            Markl Fund Account: $10,008.72


Bills Paid:

  • FDNB Card CC Shopify $16.98
  • Fiesta Foods (bball tourney concessions) $36.97
  • Adam Nelson (bball tourney) $124.59
  • Beresford HS Concessions $933.49


Old/New Business

  • Coaches Requests:
    • Dance is looking to switch to competitive Cheer, Owen will be presenting this to the school board at next meeting.
    • Owen informed us that the school is looking at joining Alcester-Hudson with Cross Country,
    • Owen asked if we could let the coaches know as soon as possible what requests we have approved, as well as amount.
    • School-same requests as before-Neptune System, Rozy programs, Huddle
      • Potential request for facility rental for softball game
    • Coach Ebert has no immediate requests for Track and Field at the moment.
      • Potentially will be requesting new warm-up jackets in future due to last ones being purchased in 2016.
    • Dance Coaches need more time to process potential funds request.
    • No requests from Coach Ebert.
    • Golf Coach Danielson is leaving the school-if we know of someone please let school know.
      • Owen thinks new coaches may have some requests for girl golfers for earlier in the season when weather isn’t conducive to practicing outside.
    • RAM wrestling requesting $2000 for camp per Coach Chestnut.
      • Need coach request form for this request
    • Coach Storo requesting for field rental and team camp.
      • Need coach request form for this request, as well as a more itemized list of needs.


  • Stephanie Voss (Cross Country Coach)-Cross Country summer camp asking approximately $1500 to cover cost.
    • Owen has a debit card for the Booster Club and can pay for lodging as soon as it is needed. Will let John know amount.
    • Agreed to give them $2000 to cover all costs so students don’t have to pay any cost.


Sub-committee updates

  • Membership committee: Jeff, Adam, Brendyn, Jill, John, Butch
    • Promote/Encourage involvement from members

Publlic relations Outreach: Carrie, Dawn, Erik, Michael

  • Promote upcoming events
  • Athletic banquet-updates-program
    • Need to get Girl Basketball roster from Coach Paulson for program
    • Jeff will Get Owen a list of Coaches that we need a video from recognizing their sport and athletes.
    • Scott has booked Maria’s for a taco/nacho bar. Need to get them a rough estimate of people eating.
      • Owen will send out a survey to Coaches/Students asking to rsvp number of people attending.
        • Survey was created by Owen during the meeting.
        • Food will start at 6:30, program at 7.
      • Maria’s charges $7.50 per person/plate. Our charge potentially $10/adult, $5/18 and under.
      • Pay at the door, so we will need a cash box and cash.
      • Set-Up Sunday night before so coaches have all day Monday to get things over there to put out.
      • DawgBone needs to be acknowledged at the banquet, and given gift cards of some sort to show appreciation.
      • Dawn has list of Students needing blankets, we have decided to not include Managers.
      • Halle Livingston applying for scholarship.
      • Jeff brought up there is No posting of non-school/club sport athletic pictures on our social media. They need to create their own club pages.
        • When someone posts a non-school sanctioned sport picture, we will send them a polite notice that they cant post on our page.
      • Fundraising Events: Brendyn, Dawn and Ashley
        • Youth Basketball tournament feedback
      • School Enrichment: Adam, Scott, Mike and Randy
        • Coaches requests-remaining coaches (see beginning of meeting).
          • Girls Bball Okoboji camp request for $2500, Coach short Bball camp request for $1350. Motion made by Michael S., seconded by Jill. No further discussion. Motion carried.
          • Approve Boys and Girls BBall pentagon camps. Motion made by John, seconded by Adam. No further discussion. Motion carried.
        • Scholarships, Top Dawg (Cassandra Twedt)
        • Volunteer of the year-Jeff nominated Michelle Nelson, seconded by Michael Schurch. No further discussion. Motion approved.
          • Jill brought up making a Volunteer of the Year award for a student.
            • Student Service Award (Watchdog Statue?) Jeff nominated Cooper Nelson, seconded by Megan. No further discussion. Motion approved.
            • Recognize during presentation that this award doesn’t have

to be an athlete, any student can win this award.



Other Business

Next Meeting Date:  April 24, 2024 @ 6pm (Before Banquet)