April 2022 Monthly Board Meeting
Current Board Members: Dr, Joe Bak, Tricia Bak, John Christensen, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Tim Lawrence, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Randy Quartier, Mark Van Otterloo
Absent: Brendyn Richards
Guest: Mr. Gross, High School Coaches: Hilary Paulson (Girls Basketball), Amy Farley (cheer/dance) Lynsey Andal (cheer/dance), Rob Wilson (Girls Volleyball), Scott Ebert via phone (Football, Girls Track), Brandon Chesnut (Wrestling), Ben Short (Boy Basketball), Brad Muller (Girls Golf)
Secretary Report – Mary H.
Correction to Booster Club Boys basketball tournament net amount: 8,447.71
No additional updates. Mary Heiberger made motion to approve, Adam second. No further discussion. Motion carried
Treasurer Report – John
Current balance: $54,030.62
Bills to be paid: $179.72: Intense graphics: State Wrestling Qualifiers T-shirts
Old Business
- Sub-committee updates (if any)
- Membership Committee: Brendyn, Jill, John, Joe, Butch: no updates
- Public Relations/Outreach: Mary Heiberger, Mike Lounsbery: no updates
- Fundraising Events: Mary Hansen, Dawn Seeley, Tim Lawrence, Brendyn Richards
- Duathlon discussion – any updates. Due to conflict with Jack Lawrence Baseball tournament, the Booster Club is not interested in taking over responsibility of Duathlon. Dawn to possible mention event opportunity to PRCE running club or Cross Country team
- Frost Bite: Dawn- once total funds are tallied a check will be presented at a possible home track meet. This will help with promoting winter event to possible new participants
- School Enrichment: Mary Hansen, Adam, Scott, Dawn, Tricia, Randy, John
- Share invoices and related documents in Google docs – progress update? – Geoff: sent email to Booster club officers.
- Mr. Gross asked for the following Coaches requests to be approved tonight:
- Neptune: $1,600.00 (10% saving if paid early)
- Summer Coach Rozy: $5,000.00 ($50 per athlete)
- Dr. Dish shooting gun: Girls/Boys Basketball: $3,500 Booster club/$3,500 School
Tim made motion to approve, Mary Heiberger second. No further discussion. Motion carried
- Committee to meet on 4/20/22 to approve coaches request and present to board at next meeting
- Tournament committee: Brendyn, Adam, Randy, Scott: no updates
New Business
- Coaches Requests – Coach presentations
- Geoff Gross – School items
- Softball tournaments: 2023: Beresford would like to host a couple home tournaments with tentative dates: 4/1/23 and 4/29/23.
- Need track meet workers for April 19th and May 3rd: Mr. Gross sent out email for volunteers for the BAH Track Meet/Mike Sievert Relays.
- Watchdog leadership council: consist of HS student athletes who can assist at home track meets/set-up/tear down athletic banquet.
- Formalize Top Dawg Award criteria: Booster Board to set criteria moving forward during summer meeting.
- Consider changing name of Athletic Banquet, since me are no longer serving a meal? Any name suggestions?? Name to be changed to Athletic Recognition night
- Banquet presenters
- Presenting Senior blankets: Mary Hansen and Mary Heiberger
- Scholarship winners recognition: Adam
Other Business
- Next Meeting Date: May 4th
- Set up for recognition night, meet in Library before set-up at 6:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Mary Hansen. Second Mary Heiberger. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.