April 2021 Monthly Board Meeting

Board Meeting
April 7, 2021
6:30 p.m. High School Library


Board Members Present: Brendyn Richards, Jill Mockler, John Christensen, Carly Cordell, Tricia Bak, Lisa Collins, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth (phone), Mike Lounsbery, Adam Nelson, and Dawn Seeley

Absent Members: Tim Lawrence and Joe Bak

Others Present: Geoff Gross and Mike Limmer

Secretary Report – Carly presented the minutes from last meeting.  Noted that current balance discussed at meeting was about $30 different because an Amazon Smiles deposit was missed.  John notified Carly after meeting and adjusted amount in minutes presented.  No other discussion. 

Jill made a motion to approve minutes as written.  Mary Heiberger seconds.  Report approved.

Treasurer Report – John presented treasurer’s report.

Current balance: $53,268.73

  • Received two $66 United Way donations totaling $132.
  • School was paid $2688 for Athletic Passes that were purchased for the 2020-21 school year during Booster Club membership drive.
    • 69 Total Athletic passes purchased (69 x $40 = $2760)
    • 60 passes were purchased online. (60 x $40 = $2400 x 0.03 = $72 in spotify fees)
    • $2760 - $72 fees = $2688

Carly moved to approved Treasurer’s report.  Dawn seconds.  No further discussion.  Report approved.

Old Business

  • End of Year Banquet
    • School administration does not support having event at Bridges this year due to COVID. Recommends having the event outside or at a larger venue such as the HS gym. 
    • Event site: Discussed challenges of planning event outside in early May and not being able to predict weather. Agree that event can safely be in person.  Also discussed option of food during event, meal vs concessions.  Considered cost with limited membership this past year due to pandemic.
      • Benefit to having inside is sound system and ability to put on camera NFHS if other would like to watch.
    • Visitor: Mike Limmer was present and suggested having a social at the stadium to showcase some of the efforts that the booster club has supported and to have a mock up image of the flag poles etc.  Planning committee will take this into consideration when putting together final agenda.

Jill made a motion to have banquet in the Gym and Booster Club will pay for 1 drink and popcorn per attendee at the concession stand for those that want it.  John seconds motion.  Further details will be worked out by planning committee that will consist of Carly, Geoff, Mike Lounsberry, Mary Heiberger, Brendyn and Lisa.  Planning meeting set for April 19th @ 7pm at the High School Library.  No further discussion.  All approve.  Motion accepted.

  • Banquet Program—Program is coming together. Still need a list of Senior Athletes and a few season end recognitions from coaches.  Winter sports is almost complete.  Track pictures were taken at 4/6 Track meet.  Will continue to work on this and hope to have program to Western Printing by last week in April.  Would like complete by April 18th to have a week for coaches to proof before sending off.
    • Gross will email Carly and Tim Lawrence list of Seniors by end of week.
  • Booster Club Volunteer of the Year (Service Award)
    • Nominations for award were discussed. Brendyn made a motion to nominate Mike Limmer for the Volunteer of the Year award. Butch seconds.  No discussion.  Motion approved.
    • Carly will contact JD Trophies to get plaque made.
  • Booster Club Scholarship
    • Applications were due on April 1st. We received 6 scholarship applications. 
    • Meeting scheduled on April 14th @ 7:30pm for committee to score (Adam, Lisa, Brendyn, Carly, Jill and John if he is available)
  • Top Dawg awards /National Guard—Geoff/Carly—update
    • 5 Top Dawg Awards this year. Plaques have been ordered by Mr. Gross
    • Working with Todd Feurst to get Pictures for Warriors of the Month
  • Senior recognition—blankets
    • Tim willing to do once he receives list of Senior Athletes from Mr. Gross
  • Duathalon—Dawn
    • Committee met and discussed possible dates. Challenging with other events going on all summer.  Booster club recommends staying with June 19th date with August 7th as back up.  Dawn will continue to work with Troy Boone and Sue Christenson on the planning.
  • Booster Club Committee Restructuring
    • Discussion on information from last meeting
      • New Committee structure was presented at March meeting. Paired down from 7 committees to 4.
        • Membership
        • Fundraising Events
        • Public Relations/Outreach
        • School Enrichment
      • Reviewed responsibilities under each committee. Suggested to add Amazon Smile to Fundraising.

Jill made a motion to accept new committee structure.  Lisa seconds.  Discussed membership and determined easiest to send out a survey monkey for members to choose.  Carly will create and send out and determine committee membership at next meeting. No further discussion.  Motion approved.

 New Business

  • School updates—Geoff Gross
    • Updates on projects – Reached out to Beresford Area Foundation to also support the flag pole project. Should hear by the May if this is approved.
    • In 2019-20 year booster club approved $3000 for Rozy, however with the pandemic there was a surplus in the school account from monies previously received. Payment was held until funds were depleted.  School requested the previously approved $3000 to pay for remainder of 2020-21 Rozy program. 

John made a motion to approve payment of $3000 to school for request that was deferred in 2019-20 due to COVID.  Carly seconds.  No discussion.  Motion approved.

  • 2021-22 Membership and Sponsorship Planning Committee needs to meet
    • April 28th meeting was discussed. Attendees included Lisa, Jill, Brendyn, Butch, and tentatively Tim Lawrence (Brendyn will reach out)
  • Lion’s Club Track Meet
    • Discussion on Joint Sponsored Event beginning in 2022. Booster Club agreed to being a joint sponsored event.  Gross will work with Lion’s Club to present at their next meeting.
    • This year: Add the inflatable Watchdog to grassy area to outdoor events this year.
      • Discussed displaying at track meets on April 27th, May 4th and 20th.
  • Board Term discussion from March meeting
    • Terms expiring in 2021: Carly, Jill, Brendyn, Scott and Dawn terms are all expiring in June 2021
      • Carly announced that she will be resigning from board and not serving another term.
      • Jill moves into the President role beginning in July 2021 and will serve another 3 year term. New Term expires 6/2024.
      • Scott agreed to serve for 2 more years. New Term will expire 6/2023
      • Brendyn agreed to serve for 2 more years. New Term will expire 6/2023
    • Officer discussion for 2021-22
      • Vacant Officer positions
        • Secretary
        • Vice President
      • Carly will send out survey with nominations for officers. These will voted and approved at annual meeting in June.
    • New member discussion—possible new board members. Discussed a potential replacement for open board position.  Brendyn will reach out to individual to see if he accepts.
  • Fall Sports Night Meeting
    • Would like to bring in a Special speaker. Brendyn has potential speaker of Adam Timmerman who is willing to come.  Dates have been sent to him and will work with Mr Gross to schedule.
    • Board discussed that would like to have talk to parents and athletes. Details to be discussed at future meetings.


Next Meeting Date: May 5th @ 6:30pm at High School gym followed by set up of Recognition Banquet.

Carly made a motion to adjourn.  Jill seconds.  No discussion.  Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.

Kindly Submitted,

Carly Farner-Cordell, BABC Secretary