September 2022 Monthly Meeting

Board Meeting Minutes

September 7, 2022

6:00 p.m. HS Library

Current Board Members: Dr. Joe Bak, John Christensen, Butch Farley, Mary Hansen, Mary Heiberger, Scott Klungseth, Tim Lawrence, Mike Lounsbery, Jill Mockler, Adam Nelson, Brendyn Richards, Dawn Seeley, Randy Quartier, Mark Van Otterloo

Absent: Joe Bak, Mark Van Otterloo, Buth Farley

Secretary Report – Mary Hansen

  • Correction to Public relation committee: John, Mike, Adam, and Brendyn

  Scott made a motion to approve secretary report, Tim second. No further discussion, motion carried

Treasurer Report – John

                Current balance:

  • Checking: $ 12,564.21
  • Savings: $43,002.10
  • Total amount: $55,566.31

  Paid balances:

                $ 2,111.16: Intense graphics- clothing

                $ 16.17: Shopify

                $13.62: Amazon kickback


   August paid balances:

                $1,320.00: XC T-shirts

                $ 408.00: Football camp

                $ 360.00: Intense graphics- Booster Club yard signs

                $ 178.92: Printing Plus- sponsor tickets


     Approved payments:

                $ 8,000.00: Rozy

                $ 4,000.00: Hudl


    Final flagpole payment: $3,400.00 to be paid to Beresford School. Scott made a motion to approve final payment,                

    John second, No further discussion. Motion carried.


   Update on plan for card reader: placed on hold for this year: not going to purchase for 22-23 membership drive.

  • Coaches’ requests still outstanding? Multiple receipts have not been turned in or money that was requested has not been used?


Immediate Business -

  • Accept resignation of Tricia Bak from status as voting member of the board. Tricia to continue as volunteer member. John made a motion to approve recognition, Adam second. No further discussion, motion carried.
  • Consider nomination of Jeff Buum to voting member of the board. Scott made a motion to approve new board member, John second. No further discussion, motion carried
  • Discussion on upcoming open board positions. 2 upcoming open positions in June 2023. Looking to recruit new potential members to help fill these positions.  





Old/New Business

Sub-committee updates (if any)

  • Membership Committee: Brendyn, Jill, John, Joe, Butch
    • Membership/Sponsorship updates, current totals
      1. Jill and Brendyn to go around for corporate sponsors
      2. Current memberships sold to date:
        1. Pride: 55
        2. Purple: 15
        3. Watchdog: 13
        4. Executive sponsorships: 3
        5. Gold sponsorships: 2
  • Ordered 60 new yard signs, need to order more wire supports: Tim to order more wire supports online. Mary Hansen made motion to approve purchase, Mike second. No further discussion. Motion carried
  • Tim to re-open webstore again for second round of orders to be processed
  • Website – website administrator would like to hand over duties at end of membership drive (end of October), Mary Heiberger was able to make changes/updates, thank you gesture to Teresa when she hands off, manage it ourselves or find another administrator.
    1. Booster board members to present Teresa with gift card to thank her for her service. Mary Hansen made a motion to approve $200.00 gift card for Teresa, Mike second. No further discussion, motion carried.


  • Public Relations/Outreach: Mary Heiberger, Mike Lounsbery- NO update
    • Facebook posts for drive and Homecoming events
    • Discussion on management of inappropriate content on our page – Mike Lounsbery


  • Fundraising Events: Mary Hansen, Dawn Seeley, Tim Lawrence, Brendyn Richards
    • Golf tournament during next year’s Homecoming?? – Tim Lawrence. Board decided to plan for a possible spring gold tournament, as Homecoming weekend is too busy other events.
    • Concessions during JV Volleyball Tournament (After Prom) – Mike Lounsbery- Board to pass on concessions during this tournament
    • Youth Basketball Tournament updates? – Brendyn. Going over potential dates with Owen on 9/8/22. Need to start forming committees once dates are finalized. Discuss at October meeting.


  • School Enrichment: Mary Hansen, Adam, Scott, Dawn, Tricia, Randy
    • Homecoming -
      1. Street Painting- Sunday, September 11th at 5 p.m. meet at the bus barn
      2. Spirit Items/Autograph cards: Tricia ordered items, Autograph cards to be given to Owen once they arrive.
      3. Fireworks/Flags (discussion): Brendyn to contact McKelvey’s, spent $500.00 on fireworks that past couple year. Up budget to $1000.00 for fireworks. Randy made a motion, Mike second. No further discussion, motion carried. Board agrees not to have flag display at homecoming football game.
      4. Parade Entry/decorating ride: decorating ride at 11:15 in front of Tricia’s house
      5. Hall of Fame Banquet – Jill to be BC Liaison
    • XC opener – take-aways for next year
    • FB4 update – Dawn Seeley: February 11th, 2023. 605 running co.- timing sponsors for event. More information to come.


Other Business

  • Next Meeting Date: October 12th.
  • Discuss Booster Club sign out at Softball fields
  • Mary Hansen made a motion to adjourn meeting, Tim second. No further discussion, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.