March 2021 Monthly Board Meeting

Board Meeting
March 10, 2021
6:30 p.m. High School Library

Board Members Present: John Christensen, Carly Cordell, Butch Farley, Mary Heiberger, Brendyn Richards (by phone), Dawn Seeley, Jill Mockler, Mary Hansen, Mike Lounsbery, Joe Bak, Tim Lawrence, Lisa Collins and Adam Nelson

Absent Members: Scott Klungseth, Tricia Bak, and Butch Farley

Others Present: Geoff Gross

Meeting called to order at 6:33pm by Jill Mockler, Vice President. 

Secretary Report – Carly: Last meeting minutes emailed out.  Reviewed at meeting.  John made a motion to approve report.  Dawn seconds.  No discussion.  Minutes approved.  

Treasurer Report – John presented the treasurer’s report.

Current Balance: $55,967.97                                             

  • Payments since last meeting:
    • $143.24 Intense Graphics was paid for State Wrestling T-Shirts
  • Activity Tickets still need to be paid back to the school. Carly will work with John to get these paid.

Adam moves to approve Treasurer’s Report.  Lisa seconds.  No discussion.  Report approved.

Old Business

  • Marketing Brochures
    • One typo was identified. Tim L. will update and then work with Brendyn regarding printing.
    • Discussion on timing of printing: Recommended waiting until after Annual Meeting so the Board members can be updated on the brochure.
    • Printing Plus is willing to assist with printing of the brochures as part of sponsorship.
  • Capital Projects
    • Flagpole discussion: Mr. Gross had emailed out a flag renderings for the stadium. Board members discussed supporting this project.  Options were 3 flag poles (1 – 35 ft, with 2 – 30 ft or 1 80ft).  Project is estimated at $17,500. 

John C. made a motion to support the 3 Flag Pole Stadium project.  BABC will commit $10,200 to the project.  BABC will pay $3,400 per year for 3 years.  Tim Lawrence seconds.  No further discussion.  Motion approved.

  • Frostbite
    • Troy Boone is hoping that they will be able to give around $1000 to the BABC this year.
  • Duathalon
    • No update at this time. Troy still trying to get a meeting set up with Sue Christenson.  Hoping to have this done next week.  Did discuss with Coach Matt Coy and he is willing to assist and be part of the committee.  Dawn indicated that it would be nice to have a “Save the Date” created to hand out a local track meets. 
  • School and Coach Requests for 2021-22
    • School and coaches’ requests were reviewed. A subcommittee met and discussed consisting of Adam Nelson, Joe Bak, Brendyn Richards and John Christensen.  Discussed requests with Mr. Gross.  Final Requests are the following:
      • All sport requests: Neptune $1600, In Season Rozy $3000, HUDL $3000
      • $2000 Wrestling summer camps
      • $400 Girls Golf
      • $600 Boys Golf
      • $1500 BBB for camps
      • $3500 GBB summer camps
      • $3000 Volleyball summer camps
      • $3000 Football summer camps
      • $2000 Cross Country for summer outing
      • $2500 Cheer Camp request
      • $0 Track
    • Total amount of School/Coach requests = $26,100
    • Summer Rozy was tabled at this time. Students whose parents are Pride and Purple members are able to get a $50 stipend to the summer Rozy.  Will determine what that amount is at a later date in collaboration with Mr. Gross after funds from last year are depleted.

Carly made a motion to approve the school/coaches requests up to amounts listed.  School must cover costs of camps up front and provide a receipt to the Booster club. Treasurer will reimburse school after receiving the receipt. Tim Lawrence seconds.  No further discussion.  Motion Carried.

  • Athletic Banquet
    • Program – Banquet program is in progress.
    • Catering options – Lisa Collins contacted Central Catering. Willing to have package individual meals, but will need parents to assist.  Gross contact Jekyl and Hyde and they are also available.  Would be able to have this outside at the stadium as an option.  Will have to pull this together quickly.  Mr. Gross will let us know when school makes decision on these types of events.
    • May have to consider limiting attendees.
    • Carly will email Michelle Maas regarding taking pictures.
    • Tim Lawrence will work with school regarding Senior Blankets.
    • Gross will work with Carly to get names of Top Dawgs and Warriors of the Month.

New Business

  • Scholarship applications
    • Due on April 1st. Carly will set up meeting to review after received. Rubric has been updated.
  • Committee Re-structuring
    • Carly and Mary Heiberger met and reviewed committees and topics that take time in meetings. Please see information attached to minutes.  Please review and bring back ideas at the next meeting so we can finalize/approve new committees.
  • School Updates: Mr Gross indicated that uniform contract has yet to be signed.
    • Lions Club Track Meet – Mr. Gross is would like to Booster Club to consider partnering with the Lions Club to assist with their track meet as a Joint Sponsored event. It is usually held on the first Tuesday of May. 
      • Ask would be to have 4-5 people there to assist with the meet. This year’s meet is covered, but would start in 2022.
    • 2020-21 Membership Planning
      • Jill will visit with Brendyn and determine when meeting should be held. Carly has summer list of reminders to complete
    • Board Members Terms: Brendyn Richards, Carly Cordell, Jill Mockler, Scott Klungseth and Dawn Seeley terms expire in 2021. Tricia Bak is year to year.
      • The office of Secretary will be available in July. Carly announced that she will not be continuing as an officer.
      • If your term is expiring, please let Brendyn or Jill know at April meeting if you plan to continue being on the board.

Carly made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 pm.  Mary Heiberger seconds.  No discussion.  Adjournment.

Next Meeting Date:  April 7, 2021 @ 6:30pm

Respectfully submitted,

Carly Farner-Cordell, BABC Secretary


Beresford Athletic Booster Club Committees

Membership (heavier in summer and fall)

  • Membership Perks/Levels
  • Corporate Sponsorships
  • Corporate Sponsor and Individual Volunteer of the Year Recognition
  • Recruitment/Online Registration
  • Apparel
  • Membership Tracking
  • Scholarship

Fundraising Events (year-round)

  • Frostbite
  • Duathlon
  • Tournaments (youth and community)

Public Relations/Outreach (year-round)

  • Marketing (year-round)
  • Facebook/Instagram recruit parents to help with pictures at sporting events. Give editing rights to FB page when appropriate (year-round)
  • Website Updates with membership information, store links, pictures (heaviest in the summer preparing for membership drive and then in November to make more updates)
  • Banquet Planning (busy in the winter/spring)
  • Banquet Program and coordinate
  • Socials---morning mingles, luncheons with business sponsors, tailgates (not too time consuming)

School Enrichment (year-round)

  • Capital Request Projects
  • Coaches Requests (sometime in the fall and spring)
  • Homecoming (student fan gear, street painting, apparel)
  • Youth Camps and Programming (coordinating with HS coaches and youth coaches to host)
  • Fan Experience/ Gameday Experiences (Watchdog Fan of Day, ½ time entertainment, etc)